Frosty night!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I spend part of the night wondering if we would still have flowers this morning.
At about 1AM, I checked the remote & found a greenhouse only registering 41º. Got dressed, went out in the cold, it was 30º at the time. All the tricks I knew would not get the furnace going. Back to the house, woke my son. Still no go with the furnace. Called & got my friend out of bed & travled to his place to pick up his portable heater.
As I left home, I told my son to try & hotwire the thing.
Just after loading the portable, my son called,"Hey dad I got it going!". That was good to hear!
We have large fuel oil furnaces. Turns out a wire thats connected to the photo cell had wore through & burned out the photo cell. Changed that & now works fine again.
It was very scary, as there is mant 1,000's of $ in plants in there.
All our hanging baskets, porch pots, fancy geraniums & Impatiens. Plus our tomatoes! All would have went under with no heat.
Outside low overnight was 28º.
Supposed to be warmer from now on.
Last frost here isn't until May 15th.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

wheww...good thing you checked the temp in there.

Glad you got it fixed and running. Yep...that's a lot of investment in there. Congrats on saving it.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Every greenhouse owner's nightmare, especially so when it is also your business. I'm glad this turned out ok. I worry enough and mine is only a hobby.

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