When To Till ?????

Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

I'm planning on roto-tilling my garden. So when would you all recommend to do so, a week before I plant, a day before, the same day etc. All the advice will be much appreciated, thanx Danny

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Has it ever been tilled before? Is it new ground? Are you turning under a green manure? Weeds? Sod/grass?

The answers to each of those will be very important in making the decision of when to till and also when to plant.

(I'm just excited you get to plant soon! I bet you are, too!)


Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

Shoe, you hit the nail on the head. I'm excited, but I want to do it right, so I have to hold back my anxiousness. It's never been tilled, it's my second year gardening, and last year I used the double spaded technique, turning over everything by hand, 2 spades deep worth, and I have a small garden, but it took me forever. I have some top soil, clay, and dehydrated cow manure, compost, already in the ground for the last two years mixed together. Minimal weeds, and no sod or grass, I've been de-weeding off the surface only, for the last 2 weeks, because I could not wait any longer doing nothing with a garden, and some nice weather, so I thought if I can just chip away, it would make it easier when I can plant.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Sounds to me like you got things under control pretty good!

I'd go ahead and till it...that will also help to warm up the soil (maters and peppers both hate cold feet)!

If the ground is still wet/damp what I've often done is set your tiller to just till a couple inches down...this will aerate the soil and allow not only the loose soil to dry out but also several inches more under it. Then go back in day or two (depending on weather conditions) and set your tiller to go a few more inches deeper. Again the tilled soil will dry and warm and a few more inches below it will dry also. You can repeat this until you get as deep as you like. (I have clay soil and it really lets me get stuff in the ground early using this method.)

PLUS, it lets you have something to do w/gardening to help stave off the antsy-ness!

Another plus is the tilling will pull up weed seeds from down under, cause some of them to germinate and you can either quickly pull them or till them under, thereby having less weeds to deal with later.

Hope this helps. Have bigtime fun!

Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

Will do Shoe, thanx again as always friend.

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