Why are my pepper plants turning yellow?

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I have noticed that several of my pepper plants have been turning yellow. Fruits and flowers are falling off, and the leaves are going from a dark green to a yelowish tint. What is going on here? Too much water? Not enough water? Should I feed the plants? Pick the peppers that are there? I would post pictures, but my wife is on vacation with my camera, but I thought some here could help. Thank you in advance.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

How old are the plants, Shane?

Peppers sure will yellow if they are getting too much water, or if the soil they are in is not draining off well. If they aren't getting enuff water the leaves will tend to go brown and dry.

However, I'd also dig around the roots (gently) and see if you can spot any bugs in there (ants, sowbugs, etc) that might be disturbing the root system. (Are they in the ground, or in pots?)

Hope that gives you something to at least check on.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

The plants have been in the ground for about six weeks and most have been producing a lot of peppers and then, all of a sudden, most started turning a little yellow. Your comment about the ants is interesting, because I have noticed a lot of ants and am trying to get rid of them. I want to damage the ants, not the plants, though....

It has been raining and very humid lately, so I'll let them dry out some, kick out the ants, and see what happens

Temple, GA(Zone 7b)

Try some pellitized lime. have you gotten more rain recxently than you were before, or are the ants the only thing you have noticed different. I don't know that the lime will kill the ants, but I do believe it will make them go away. It couldn't hurt to try.

Thanks, Traci S

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