Silver Lace Vine

Manassas, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi! I'm a new member. I've just ordered four of these vines and would like to know anyone else's experience with them. I planted one a few weeks ago, but have yet to see any real growth. I thought they were supposed to be really fast growers.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

babywatson, yes they are very vigorous and fast growers. They are good if you have something you want to hide, etc. They grow too much for any place that i could plant them here. Welcome to Daves. You will enjoy and learn much. Donna aka rutholive

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

this is what we call the Mile-a-Minute vine up can actually stand around and watch it grow...welcome to Dave's baby! Elaine

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I posted this once but it was deleted for some reason........

If you plnated your vine in shade it will take longer for it to start growing.....mine took almost 2 full years before it decide to take off. This year it is going like gang busters.
Good water, good sun, and something nice to climb is all they seem to need.


Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

I started mine from seed last spring, as well as bought 2 plants, when I planted all 4 in ground they weren't any bigger than 6 inches, and by end of summer they were up 7 feet and totally covering the arbor we made for it. If I can find photo right off I will attach now. YUP found it, date is on it so I planted it in May here last year and that is how it looked!! They do grow fast, at first you will think it's not doing anything, then all the sudden one day it will be covering everything.
Hope this helps some
editing to add that this pic is September and I had mine in full sun

This message was edited May 15, 2004 4:35 PM

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Gorgeous! I should have planted more than one vine...oh well mine is doing great this year. Just planted an Asarina 'Joan Lorraine' purple trumpet along with it....the color combination of purple and white bloom should be very pleasing.
Thanks for posting the pic Ohio....just gorgeous.
Are you growing them again this year?

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi Rikerbear, yes I am growing them again this year, it is a perennial so I would also guess yours will come back each year right? at least mine did and I am zone 5ish, some try to push us into 6 but I stick with the 5. At anyrate, yes they are up to the top of the arbor already this year with new growth from last years, I left it up to the top of the arbor and trimmed off the scraggly ones on top. Your 'Asarina' sounds like it will be just beautiful growing with that silverlace vine. This year I planted tie dye mg's on each side to intertwine with mine, there is no mistaking seeds from each as they are so different, I also plan on growing some mg's up the porcelain berry vine I have on other side of the house, will take pics of all this year, hope they all look as nice as your combination sounds!!! Good luck and take lots of pics please to share with all of us :)

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Yes it's perennial here too in my zone 8, I just wasn't sure about your 6 (5).
Look forward to pix of your vines later in the season. :-)

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