HELP with pickling cucumbers!

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Baa sent me some from England, and I have forgotten if I grew them on mounds or straight dirt before. I have some seeds planted outside - nothing yet, so went ahead and planted the other 8 seeds I had left indoors today as our weather has been very unpredictable (not freezing, but weird).

Anyone have any help in propagating pickling cukes? I plan to make a trellis with chicken wire for them to grow up on, as I have limited space.


You might need to dig them up and bring them inside unless your weather is now between 65 to 85F. They like warmth to germinate

We don't mound the soil for these but I don't know if others do

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Baa, It is supposed to be warm (near 70 today) and warming to 80 by Sunday - so since the ones outside haven't germinated yet, I'll leave them be. Since I planted the remaining seeds indoors, if need be, I'll use them, and if someone else comes in and says not to plant them in mounds, I'll level it out before transplanting the seedlings, and set up my little trellis at that time as well. The ones outside are also near the house, along a concrete wall - get's warm there, that's why I chose that spot. My tomatoes do great along that wall as well because of the heat. It won't be much longer and we'll be in our normal "heat wave" that will last pretty much all summer long (I think it's coming early this year and we're already making plans to start going to the lake - usually we wait for Memorial Weekend (last weekend in May).

Is Baa your real name?

Cucumbers need much more warmth than tomatoes but they may do well for you, we can have frosts right into June here so we always grow indoors.

Baa is a name in the sense that a lot of people use it but it's not my given name :)

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

It hasn't hit frost here in at least a couple of weeks, although usually my rule of thumb is mid-May. I jumped the gun this year because of unusually nice weather (and I knew better, shame on me) and it got cold. It didn't frost, but it did get chilly. I've grown cukes outdoors here in Spokane before, and they do fine, as long as they get full sun. The spot I've chosen for them get's almost all full sun - just not early evening sun. As far as frost goes - I do believe we are out of the woods, but all my plants upstairs in my sunroom are staying there until mid-May because I'm not taking anymore chances. My tomatoes, that are outdoors in red wall-o-waters (Kozy Koats) are doing fantastic - they've grown to almost the height of the walls and will be poking out soon. I check them about every 2 or 3 days so that I can see the difference. (every day would be like a person trying to lose weight stepping on the scale every morning).

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