Old Den won't bloom!

Salisbury Mills, NY

I have a old den that has grown like crazy in five years. It has nice healthy leaves and is constantly sprouting new plants, but it will not bloom. What should I do with it? Thanks

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

More light

Add fertilizer

While you're at Lowe's or Home Depot picking up the potting bark, grab some water-soluble Orchid fertilizer. In the best situation, it won't have "urea" in it as a component. I've read urea is bad for orchids. However, I've yet to see a bloom fertilizer for orchids without it.

Dissolve this fertilizer in your next water to come to room temp, and for the next few waterings, use this bloom-fertilizer water.

Also, consider dropping your night-time house temperatures 5-10 deg F. Some dends enjoy a significant day/night temperature difference.

Hope it blooms for you,

Salisbury Mills, NY

LOL Jennifer, you must be the resident expert. I keep the plant in my office. Should it be in bark? Thanks again.


Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

Woof Woof! Bark is best ..

Oh.. sorry.. wrong bark.. you mean potting bark, not doggie bark... :) Yes, potting bark is best ... I'm a fan of it as opposed to sphagnum moss (squishy stuff) because bark dries out faster, and allows folks like me to water as often as I water houseplants - weekly that is.

Resident expert? Nah ... Just good at the basics. Keep the questions limited to fertilizing and basic growing, and I'm pretty good.

As for fertilizer, while I'm thinking about it ..... the best tip is "weakly, weekly". Water weekly, with a fertilizer-filled water solution 1/2 the strength recommended.


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Thanks Jennifer you helped me also. Thank you also Myriamm
for asking the question.

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