Phal in trouble, Help!

Salisbury Mills, NY

My boss gave me a phal and it was apparently over watered because the leaves are wrinkled and the flowers are beggining to droop and shrivel. The medium is completely soaked and squishy. I have left it near the window in hopes that it will dry out but I am affraid the roots are rotting. I don't know anything about orchids and have no idea how to save it. Please help me, thank you.

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

:) Remove it from the squishy potting media at once!
Run, don't walk to Lowe's, or Home Depot, and purchase "orchid bark potting mix". :) Soak the orchid bark in water of your choice overnight.

Sterilize your scissors with a weak bleach/water solution. Remove the phal from the squishy media, and carefully cut out any brown, squishy roots. Keep any roots that look white, or any shade of green that isn't moldy squishy algae. Repot your orchid in this soaked bark mix. Do not water at this point - the bark has enough water in it.

Cover the orchid with a *large* clear baggie, and place it in indirect light. Don't put it in the window - direct sun will scorch it for certain. Do not water for at least a couple days. Pick up the pot every day or so, checking the weight - as water is absorbed and/or evaporates, your pot will , of course, lose weight.

In 5-7 days, water your pot thoroughly by running room temp water through the pot 4-5 times. Notice the weight of the pot - is it heavy again? If not, repeat the watering until you notice a weight change.

Phals are one of the easiest orchids to keep, IMHO. However, if they're too wet, death is certain.

Best of Luck,

Salisbury Mills, NY

Thank you for your wonderful and easy advice! I will follow your instructions to the letter.

Myriam M.

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