on being a squirrel

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

like the little rodent who gathers everything he/she can think of in the fall and then forgets where he/she stored said delicacies; I order all kinds of things for spring arrival and promptly forget what I ordered. It's like Christmas - opening packages with total surprise. Botanus bulbs and grasses arrived today so I have been potting my little brains out this evening. The extra bench space in the gh is disappearing at a great rate. 26degrees here today if you can believe that for an april prairie day

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

It was a gorgeous day...after work and supper we took down a rotten limb from one of the old maples out back. It was about 8 feet long and a foot in diameter...the woodpeckers had riddled it with holes and squirrels and flickers had used it to nest in. Our large pond had had well aged water in it and last fall we drained it to remove the sludge, today we filled it again with water and in a week the water will be aged enough for me to re-introduce the lilies. :D Looking around the yard it is marvelous to see that so many perennials survived and are showing themselves again.

You will have to keep us updated with pictures of all your plants jagonjune...your yard will be gorgeous this summer! :)

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

And t;hen there was today when the hiigh of 12 degrees was reached as I left my driveway at 6 this morning. It has rained, blown, will probably snow, and freeze by tomorrow morning. Hoiw do any of you survivie without prairie climate surprises. All is well in the GH however and the brugs and purple millet are back in the garage.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I thought we were getting our weather from your way but we were -2C this am....yesterday +80F (looked at the old thermometer). Yesterday everyone had shorts and tees on downtown....now it is starting to rain. Hope it continues we don't need another summer with drought. Farmer's Almanac forecasted a cooler summer with more moisture, I hope it is accurate.

I will have to start bringing my plants home from work...once this cool spell has moved on I'll put them in the porch.

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