Two down home trellises I made and am working on...

Orrville, OH(Zone 6a)

I am going to paint this door light blue, then sage green then cream and sand to see all its colors. Then I'll plant it in full sun along the side of my house as a partition between the front and back yards. It'll be in part sun, so I was thinking some part sun clematis and hydrangea vine, or maybe chocolate vine.

Thumbnail by uofagirl
Orrville, OH(Zone 6a)

This is a flimsier sapling trellis I made that will be reinforced with wire instead of masking tape. LOL! It has nails in it but it is still probably only good for lite vines. Maybe morning glories??? I'll lean this up against my fence in part to full sun.

Thumbnail by uofagirl
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I love them both!

My favorite small nursery (now gone) had a door much like yours, between 2 posts as the entry to their private garden. No fencing on either side, just the door on the path. I thought it was great.

In the second pic, looks like twigs? I made one that I tied with artificial sinew that I got from Tandy, or some craft store. It's sticky and doesn't stretch. Had to get out my ancient girl scout book to remember how to do lashing, LOL.

Orrville, OH(Zone 6a)


Both of your ideas are great. I didn't think of putting the door back in its frame, but I will. Also the sinew sounds good for the sapling arbor. Thanks for the good ideas!!!

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

What a great idea with the door. That will be very charming in the garden and really show your creativity.



Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

I love the door idea!

I'm going to be keeping an eye out for an old door for my garden.

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

UOAG what great trellises! Everyone always amazes me with what they come up with. Please post pics when your trellises are in bloom! :o)

I saw a picture of that somewhere here on DG, with the door, and plants. I dont recall where, but it was the neatest looking thing!

Gooding, ID(Zone 5a)

I love your ideas! I can't wait to explore the old shed to see what we have in it! I think we have a door like that.

This is what I'm making to provide some privacy between our home and the rental next door (can anyone say "slum lord"?) Since I'm SAH now, I try to be as careful as I can financially regarding my addiction... basically I have champagne garden taste but a beer garden budget! So I recycled these old fence posts from a friend and my oldest son drags home limbs. My husband screwed them in for me (I like the willy nilly natural look for this corner). I planted a red honeysuckle along the side (one of my few actual local nursery investments!) and a silver lace vine (mail order catalog cheapie) in the corner.

Thumbnail by mommydi
Gooding, ID(Zone 5a)

Here is a closer picture of the corner (it's a work in progress obviously... I'm probably the only one at DG that can understand that, right?!)

Thumbnail by mommydi
Gooding, ID(Zone 5a)

I hope you don't mind me tagging along on your thread with homemade trellis ideas... I'm hoping that other people also share their creative ideas as well so I can learn from them! I love climbing vines and am always looking for new ideas for them besides the basic trellis look. This is an old wheel I took from my dad's... I haven't quite decided what to plant on it yet, it's my newest flower bed. I'm thinking water wheel and maybe something blue and white like flowing water... I also have some old step railings that I'm burying and will plant climbing vines on them as well.

Thumbnail by mommydi
Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)


the "twig" fence looks great. I can just see it covered with vines. I also love the wheel.

Orrville, OH(Zone 6a)


Looks great! I'm SAH too and I know what you mean by budgeting, but adding fun to your garden. This fall my dear daughter starts kindergarten, so I limited myself to three plant purchases, 2 of which I have bought already. I bought sweet autumn clematis, and my neighbor gave me lespedeza thunbergii gibraltar (bush clover), and I'm buying miscanthus sinenthis cabaret grass.

Gooding, ID(Zone 5a)


My 5yo son also starts kindergarten this fall... just leaving me and the baby at home while the other three are in school... of course my baby is almost 4!

Oh, I should have your self control! I bought some mock orange shrubs, pussy willows, corkscrew willows, and honeysuckles so far... but I did buy them through the mail so it wasn't too horribly expensive. We just badly needed some foundation plantings and privacy between our north wall (living room/dining room windows) and the street.

We've been in our home for almost 4 years now and have to do things little by little. My goal this summer is to prepare a garden spot with more of those old fence posts (my friend has a lot!) and put in a patio. I'm looking for ideas on how to do that economically (I can't afford to build a deck or brick patio and a flat concrete one would look like a shop floor!).

I am thinking about having the kids decorate misc stepping stones using box lids or shallow boxes (like soup cans come in at warehouse stores) and placing them in a pattern... I may have to buy only a few bags of cement at a time but it can be a summer project!

This message was edited Apr 27, 2004 7:27 PM

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