Houseplants for Trade

Brownville, NY(Zone 4a)

I've got baby cryptanthus (hope I spelled that right) - one kind with dark red and black stripes, the other has black leaves with horizontal bands (Black Mystic)- they're tiny, but they grow fairly quick, especially this time of year.
I also have ficus lyata (?) - fiddle leaf fig - seedlings, only about 3 inches tall (I'm giving sizes so I'm not being misleading...), an African Violet leaf with plenty of lil' babies (flowers were pink singles with purple fantasy markings), a lovely AV with purpley blue single flowers edged in white, a start of some tree ivy (fatshedera), and of course, mother of thousands - one of those tall kalanchoes that produce baby plants on the edges of the leaves (don't take that one unless you're glutton for punishment)

I'm looking for cryptanthus I don't have already, or just let me know what you're willing to part with, and we can make a deal...

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

Removed by member request

Brownville, NY(Zone 4a)


That is about the coolest crypt. I've seen! Reminds me of pheasant feathers alright.
Are you talking about trading for a pup of that, cuz my trades are pretty little yet. I don't want to give you the short end of the deal.

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

Removed by member request

Brownville, NY(Zone 4a)


Yikes! 6" at the widest! Mine are waaaaay smaller than that, but I'd be more than happy to send you one of each, and maybe toss in something else to square up the trade, I don't want to jip you- anything else you're looking for that I could send you?

Brownville, NY(Zone 4a)

Cryptanthus babies and fiddle leaf figs are spoken for, still have the others available.

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