boxwood looking dead

Brooklyn, NY

hi all- a friend of mine has boxwoods in planters on a terrace here in NYC. They were planted in the fall by a landscape co. in the city. The boxwoods died back during winter of course, but he says that they haven't done anything yet, dead leaves remain and no new growth yet at all. As it's almost may, it doesn't sound so good. Would you agree? thanks!

Irving (Dallas area), TX(Zone 8a)

Welcome to DG, amym. Do you know what type of boxwood they are? The botanic name? All the boxwoods I'm familiar with are evergreen.

Brooklyn, NY

Hi, thanks. I believe they're American.

Irving (Dallas area), TX(Zone 8a)

Well American Boxwood is evergreen, and should be hardy in your zone, it's 7 right? (you can look it up at: but it may be more tender in a planter and got frozen.

Brooklyn, NY

It is zone 7, but it's a north facing garden and we've had some unpredictible weather- it really just solidly warmed up over this past weekend. Also, I asked him to break off an inner branch and take a look and it's green inside. So, I think they should give it a few weeks before they really start to worry.

Irving (Dallas area), TX(Zone 8a)

You're probably right. I would guess that if they do come back they will come from the ground, and not the branches, because they odviously took a beating; if so checking the branches may not tell you much, but again, that is just a guess.

Brooklyn, NY

Thank you!

Decatur, IN(Zone 5a)

Hi Amy,
when you say 'He', are you referring to the landscaper or your friend??

If you haven't contacted the landscaping co. yet, I would. It doesn't sound like they should look dead looking unless they all really are dead plants. I'm in zone 5 and have never seen A. boxwoods drop their leaves. We have 5 and they all retained their leaves thru winter and only suffered a few frozen tips which is easy to tell by the yellowing leaves and later they dry up. I would suggest calling the company. Perhaps they've got somekind of plant guarantee that will replace them. Good luck!

Oops! that should be; should not look dead

This message was edited Apr 22, 2004 11:21 PM

Brooklyn, NY

I meant my friend, and I finally got over there today and took a look myself. The leaves haven't dropped, they're just brown and dried up. It's a tough call and I still think they should give a few weeds. Also, is this an okay time to prune it up a bit? It could use a shaping.

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