Looking for Pea/Bean/Cucumber Trellis Online

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

I give up! I've been surfing all over looking for a sturdy plastic mesh to support my vining veggies. Most of what I found was flimsy (like bird netting), small-meshed, or came in like 1000' rolls. I'd like to find something sturdy that I could reach through, about 6 feet high and in affordable-sized rolls. Does anyome know of an online source for such a thing?

Mount Hermon, LA(Zone 8b)

I don't know about the mesh stuff, but I bought a square-shaped bean tower from Gardener's Supply that seems as if it will work for me. Might be a solution for you too. It 65 inches high and costs $19.95.


Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Agrinerd, What I do for my pole beans it use 6 (or whatever) 6 foot tall bamboo stakes. I tie them together about 8 or 10 from the top then spread out so each of the bottoms of the stakes are about1 foot apart then poke each one around down into the soil, a little at a time until the teepee of bamboo is secure in the soil. I've done that for several years and the beans climb up the bamboo all summer. For my cukes I use old hog wire fastened to metal fence posts, the cukes love to vine up, on same wire I have snap peas and some more pole beans. Donna

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Could cucumbers (small pickling kind) grow up something like that? Would be a GREAT space saver for me..........

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

I'm a limitted on space, so something like a plastic fence that doesn't take much row space would be what I need. Sure, cukes do great on a fence, sort of like gourds and luffas.

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

I put in a few small posts and tie hemp string back and forth. Plus the hemp will eventually decompose. Did you try an online auction? They might have something there.Or chicken wire between two post would work too. Hope I helped and didn't hinder. Jody

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I bought plastic/nylon mesh type fence at Lowes or Home Depot a couple years ago. A 100 ft roll was about 20 bucks or so. It comes in 4 and 5 ft heights. If you want it taller it is so inexpensive you could buy the 4 ft stuff and add a higher layer (making it 8 ft).

(I used it as a mobile fencing for chickens. That stuff is good! Resistant to sun, too.)

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

I've never wandered over to the fencing section at Lowes (no Home Depot here). I'll go take a look.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Hmmm - I have extra chicken wire (2 inch holes) - Think I'll give that a try for my cukes.

East Barre, VT(Zone 4a)

Sheep fence might work well for you,too. The square mesh is about 6 inches square. I get it at Agway, but you could probably get it at any feed store. I've never tried it in the garden, but I might just do so. I've also strung twine between saplings for my beans and smaller vines. It really does look great, and makes it really easy to walk all the way around the rows looking for the beans. Of course, I'm months away from even thinking about that!

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