Looking for Purple de Jesi Artichoke seeds

Richland, MS(Zone 8a)

Does anybody know of a source for these in the United States? I have found them on a web catalog from New Zealand, but it doesn't look as though they will ship to the US.


San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)

Grow Italian sells these two:


21-2 Artichoke, Violetta Rich violet/purple color. Smallish, oval & slightly elongated chokes. Delicate taste. Grow as cardoon above. 5 gram packet @ 100 seeds. $2.95
21-99 Artichoke Grosso Romanesco. (Big Romanesco). Rich purple color. Big round heads. Excellent taste. Slightly later than violetta. @100 seeds. $2.95.

Rare Seeds has what they call Purple of Romagne:


It seems to me Seeds of Change has had them in the past; but, I don't see them in the web catalog right now.

I need to get them and start pretty soon, myself.

Hope this helps!

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