getting nervous waiting for pepper seeds germination

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

i started my hot peppers and non bell type sweet peppers on april 2nd. have them nice and moist wrapped inside an electric blanket where they are nice and warm. i know they take a long time but i thought they would have germinated by now. do i need to worry???

Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

Herb, do not worry my friend. As most know, peppers are tough cookies to germinate from seed, especially some unique or different varieties. So stick with it, and don't think all is lost or any for that matter. Peppers are tricky and tempormental, and they take time. I started my seeds about a month ago, too early, but I'm new and I'm like a kid in the candy store, so I could not wait. Most of my seeds are from TGS(Thanx Carolyn),Benedica(God Bless), and they all popped, but some played hardball and would not cooperate like the others, so I waited and waited, and almost ONE MONTH later, here they come(The Monkees) walking down the street, ohhh, I'm getting off the subject, my bad. So relax, and hang in there, some do take longer than others, my peppers like my eggplant, very finicky, my tomatoes, you can't stop them from growing, Benadica(Carolyn).

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Well maybe I can breath a sigh of relief. I planted my pepper seeds on April 5th. Out of 36 planted, only 6 have germinated so far. I got most of mine from Park Seed Co. Hope I'm not disappointed!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I bought the seedling heat mat and my peppers sprouted in 10-14 days. They really like the mat. It cost $23.00. A good deal.

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

I do have them on a heating mat (old waterbed heat mat) I can't really regulate the heat as well as I would like to. Tplant, did you have a variety of seeds or are they all the same kind? Just wondering if some peppers germinate at a different rate than others.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I have a large variety. I never grow only one kind. Ideal temp should be 80-85 degrees. What type of soil did you use? Do you have adequate light during daytime hours?

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Tplant, I have them under a grow light for approx. 15 hrs per day. The mix I am using is sphagnum peat moss and perlite. I now have about 8 germinated. Fingers crossed.
I did this the last two years with no problems. Maybe I'm watering them too much. I'm using a soft mist from above. Whattaya think?

Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

Ideal conditions, the right heat or temperature, it's similar to life, YA NEVER KNOW, especially when. Just hang tough, if it's meant to be, it will, if not, we'll try something else. Stay focused, and most importantly, have fun. Danny

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

To prevent overwatering I use a 72 cell tray with holes in the bottom for drainage. This I put into a solid tray that holds the water and this is seated upon a heat mat. From what I have read about peppers, they do not like too much water. Take your finger and very lightly touch the top layer of soil -- if soil is on your finger, you don't need water and visa versa. Also the seed should be no deeper than the length of the seed which means barely covered. Misting should never be used until they have leaves but even then I never mist for you are asking for all kinds of problems with seedlings. Always water from beneath and let them draw the water they need. By misting, the seed will always be wet and may rot prior to germination.

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanx Tplant, I'll water from below from now on and hope for the best.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Even here, where most things pop in a couple of days, the peppers take forever. Must be very warm & moist. We slice the trays into plastic bags, tie them shut, & and place right above our forced air vent.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

wellllll, its been 19 days since i planted my hot peppers and still nothing germinating. is it time to go to plan b and start another bunch. everything still looks good. the starter mix is nice and moist and there are getting heat from the electric blanket etc.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Do you have them warm enough?
They need to be about 75º all the time.
Is it new seed?
Pepper seed is not a good keeper after 2nd year.

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Mine germinated, about 80%. But now they're just sittin' there! Only two leaves. Does this next step take longer too? I don't remember peppers taking this long before, unless I just wasn't as anxious!

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

bernie - they are a mixture. some were sent to me by hotpepperdan and some i ordered this year from johnnys seeds. they are nice and warm. i set the nbr on the electric blanket to nine.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I did nine types about 250 germinared most in 7 to 10 days with a few holdouts taking about 14 days. I used 128 cell plug inserts the first time and 288 cell plug trays the second time.

For starting medium I used organic potting soil with perlite and compost added and also Sunshine brand seed starting mix right from the bag. Both worked well but the sunshine was eaiser to remove from the cells .

Wetting the medium with hot water from the bottom untill its wet on top I place the seed on top of the mix and press it to insure it has good contact with the mix. Then I put it inside a plastic bag and shut it loosely. Then it goes on heat mats under flourscents with the temp set at 80. I check the temp with a thermometer and adjust until it is 80 plus in the tray.

when half the seeds are up I remove the bag and keep moist with fine spray. I have never had damp off this way.

I did experience what I figured was non growth in the smaller cell seed insert so those were transplanted with most still having the first two leafs. Within two days of transplanting growth took off. Planted april 1 they now have two sets of leafs.

I swear by the thermometer and urge even those using seed starting mats with controlable thermostats to check with a manual type . I use the little dial type with probe cost about eight bucks at the garden store sometimes two bucks at the kitchen stores.Ernie

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

ernie, I guess your email is still not working...I hollered to ask you where is the thread regarding the colored peppers you sent me the seeds of. Any idea? (I've searched and can't find it. Wanted to know what they were sold as and also to find the pic of them.)

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

veg forum feb ll tplant started thread named name this sweet sweet pepper. I sent you an email but who knows. Ernie

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

okay, got it! Found it! Thanks!

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