When To Move Azaleas

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I have 4 Formosa Azaleas that have been growing in front of my house for about 4 seasons. My DH has never been happy with them there. They are too spindly and leggy to be foundation plantings. I have pruned a couple of times hoping they would get better but I now know it' s just their nature.
They are blooming now.
I have a big old cedar tree that will be the perfect new home for them to grow under.
When is the best time to move them?
Thanks for the help!!!!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I would be of the opinion that in your climate you could move them nearly anytime as long as you remember to water them well almost daily until they have taken hold well-a couple months. Will they get the moisture they need under the cedar trees? That would be my only concern.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Dear leaflady, it is a huge old tree and the canopy isn't so dense that rainfall doesn't penetrate. I checked today and it seems fine. I've been wanting to plant something under it for years.
BTW, I have 2 more Formosas growing {kinda hidden} on the side of my house that are absolutely FABULOUS!!!! Wouldn't you know that no one sees them but me and DH and the 2 cats!!!!

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