Has anyone rooted Distictis Buccinatoria?

Mesilla Park, NM

Or any of the Distictis? I just got 10 cuttings from a friend and they are a redish streaked pinkish red (sort of) I know that sounds silly, but that is what the color looked like. I have them in fresh water with a few drops of superthrive in a glass vase, till I figure out what to do with them tomorrow.

How did you root them and your method? I am thinking of putting them into soiless mix and into a plastic bag, but would love to hear your ideas.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I rooted mine in potting soil(Pro-Mix) on a heat mat set at 72*F. Not great results, but 2 out of 10 made it. The two that rooted were hardwood cuttings, all the soft wood cuttings did not take. I used shultz liquid root starter.
I tried some in vermiculite, they did not root and eventually rotted in that medium.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Two out of ten is still great reason to celebrate. That is one gorgeous vine; while visiting my sister in Berkeley, I saw one on someone's deck. It surrounded the whole top of the deck and was in full bloom. It was just awesome.

Mesilla Park, NM

Thanks Cala, gonna give it a try.. have them soaking in superthrive and will pot them into the cups tonight and put them on the heating mat.. most of my cuttings are softwood, maybe two hardwood. They sure are pretty.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Shoot, I can't even pronounce it and I have to have one. Good luck with your cuttings A. Sounds like a tough one.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Brugie when you get ready to trim yours I would love to try some cuttings. Half of the cross vine cuttings seem to have made it for me.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Donna, I'm going to get one, but it will be a few weeks yet. Once it gets going, and I have to trim to bring inside, I'll sure send you some. Don't let me forget. Can send at the same time I send PB and BL cuttings if you still need them this fall.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Gee Gourd, I would love to see which one you have. I have the purple flowered one and the orange-red one with the yellow throat. But the leaves are plain green. I have never seen the one you have with pink in the leaves. The purple one puts on a show late into winter for me.

I never could root these. I tried for Susie and finally I just sent her big pieces to try herself. I wonder if they would like rockwool.

Mesilla Park, NM

This is one with red trumpet flowers and all the colors are streaked (kind of like when you paint a little bit of orange, yellow and pink streaks) the leaves are green. It could be the same one you mentioned. Will try to find a photo on the web, if not, may have to go and take a photo of the plant itself.

I did leave half in the vase of water and the other half in soiless mix.

I did have one Lavendar Trumpet vine cutting root in water but it took months it seemed like.

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