First Post (regarding pests)

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

I am growing several pepper and tomatoe plants in containers this season. I have noticed several of my pepper plants have tiny clear/white insects grouping at their apex. Any ideas as to what this critter might be, if it is causing any damage to my plants, and how to get rid of it?

I'm using organic methods so I want to avoid any chemicals.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

"clear/white"? Look like tiny bubbles?

Gotta be some young aphids. If there aren't too many (yet) just rub your fingers over them and squish em! Check each day for more of them.

A good strong spray of water will also knock them off.

If you prefer, buy some Safer's Soap and mix it according to instructions and spray them. OR, you can try regular dish soap diluted w/water also. OR, try diluting regular rubbing alcohol with water...that will do the trick but don't spray them with that in direct sunlight and if the plants are very young then dilute it way down.

Hope this helps. And, WELCOME TO DG! Hope to see ya around!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Don't hesitate to follow Shoe's advice. It's also the larvae that can do some serious damage. Move your plants to full sun and water only in the A.M. Do not wet the plant unless to wash the aphids or white flies off. Give them a soap spray every ten days or so and after a heavy rainfall but spray only in the evening hours - never in sun light.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thank you both for your help. I will be working on removing my bug problem this evening.

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