Sudden Oak Death disease

Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

Anyone out there familiar with SOD out in California? There is a ban on exporting trees out of the West coast due to this disease. It sounds like a nasty trunk devouring beast! Had my order ready for a Copper Beech when I saw the notice. Anyone knowledgeable about this disease, and when the ban will be lifted? In other words, how long must I wait to get my Copper Beech?

Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

It's a very serious disease, although some states seem to be overreacting (it's not going to kill every tree and plant in sight, of every variety, for goodness' sake). The problem is that other plants which are perfectly healthy, act as 'hosts' for it. The first plant they discovered was a carrier host was bay laurel, which isn't harmed by SOD at all. Now there are others being found, so things are still in an uncertain state (no pun intended) while they figure out what kind of preventive steps needs to be taken. Obviously exports are a big business in CA so a lot of people are working on this. UC scientists have come up with a possible cure and they are testing it now, but obviously it will take several years before full-scale solutions or any sort could be implemented, since oaks are all over California.

In short, your beech tree is subject to delays from your own state's end, although the nursery should have some sort of information for you eventually. Here is the link to the official SOD website for full and up-to-date information:

Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

Wow, jkom51... I had no idea that this was such a widespread disease. There are so many plants involved. I can see why they are so adamant about regulating exports out of CA. Judging from what I have read, I wouldn't dare bring a plant here that may have SOD... I would not want to contribute to the spread of this infestation. I appreciate the links & information you have given, and will keep up on these sites for updates. Thank you!

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

I just read about this in the morning paper. sigh. Just what we needed. My oaks are old and a couple are on their way out anyhow, so I am not too alarmed.

Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

So far, I cannot seem to find what they are finding or doing in their research as to control or eradication of SOD. It appears that once SOD is diagnosed, the plant is doomed. We have Wooly Anelgid (sp?) on our Hemlocks, despite repeated sprayings. After years, the few remaining Hemlocks are just beginning to bounce back. I hope they find something soon to curb this disease, before it spreads further in the States. It lloks like over 20 species of plants are affected, along with the Oaks. (Beech being one of them) These links on SOD will be bookmarked on my PC for a long time, it seems.

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Saw this today - seems there are 4-5 states involved now and lots of scams to have people spraying their trees & shrubs. So far they say 59 plants can be infected, and there is no known cure - so don't waste your $$ on ineffective treatments.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

its here in Augusta ga but its affecting camellias only so far. its in todays paper and yesterdays.

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