Louisville, KY

It’s time to announce the second annual CHOPTAG Spring Plant Swap. For those of you who have forgotten or maybe never knew CHOPTAG stands for Cincinnati Heirloom Open Pollinated Tomato Associate Growers.
Anyway our Plant Swap will once again be held at Paxton Ramsey Park just off I-275 in the Loveland, Ohio area. (Northeast side of Cincinnati) This year it will on May 8th from 1-3 or until they kick us out.

We just get together to swap extra plants and tomato stories. If you follow this link you can see how much fun we have at our gatherings.

Everyone with an interest in tomatoes is welcome. That includes of course all friends and family of those who like tomatoes. Our belief is ‘the more the merrier’. Don’t worry if you don’t have any tomato plants to swap, if you have any good stories that will get you a seat at the table. And you’ll want to be at the table since that is where all the food will be.

If you would like to join us this year just drop me an e-mail or just drop by. We do ask everyone to bring some food if possible, so I’ll need your e-mail to include you in that effort.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hah!....them pics show you had a great time there!

Looks like fun to me!

Louisville, KY

Shoe, nothing like being with a group of folks who have juice running down their chins talking about Heirloom 'Maters . Several of us drive some distance to share this experience. And of course, it is good to see the large variety of tomatoes and learn more about them. Wish You and other DG folks could join us.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

There a lot of good DG members up that way, Gary. Perhaps they would be interested. If I were closer I'd love to swing by.

Maybe you could also post this in the RoundUp Forum...after all, it is a Roundup, eh?

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

gary - looks like you had alot of fun and the pics were great.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Gary, Loveland is in South Western Ohio, not Southeast... southeast is Athens! LOL

It is on the North East side of Cincy though, and in Clermont County!

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