magnolia tree question

Melbourne, FL(Zone 9a)

i recently moved into new home with a magnolia tree in backyard-- it doesnt look too good right now-- even tho blooms are starting to sprout up- the leaves are not a good color green- not dark and shiny like i have seen them-- and they have a black mold looking stuff on underside--that is easily brushed off- the house has been vacant for several months so i am sure it got no care during the winter--

my partner loves magnolia trees and i would certainly like to have this one be in good health--

how do i care for this tree and is the black stuff hurting it- thanks in advance for any help with what to do

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

My magnolia leaves tend to not be real dark green, more light/yellow green cast, don't know if it's the alkaline ph in our soil, as Magnolias like more acid soil.

Don't know what the dark stuff might be, unless it needs more air circulation underneath it, if it is very moist/humid.

Temple, GA(Zone 7b)

How big is the tree?
Traci S

Melbourne, FL(Zone 9a)

its not large but not real small either- medium size- the owners of this house were not here all the time- they lived in ohio and only came down now and then-- the thing is COVERED in blooms-- so i guess its not too sick-- looks a little better once it rained last week--

Temple, GA(Zone 7b)

Well, I would go ahead and transplant it, if you can and I'd save it! It would certainly be worth the try. They are pretty hardy, and I think They wold make it just fine. Best of luck to ya!!!

Your Gardening Pal
Travi S

Melbourne, FL(Zone 9a)

too big to transplant-- i think i will throw some coffee grounds on it and see what happens-- as i said it is covered in blooms so cant be too sick-- there are several in neighborhood so i will just check them out and see what they look like too-- i am right on the water-- lake so maybe mold type stuff is from the moisture in air or something???

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