hardy orchid

Tottori, Japan(Zone 9a)

My hardy orchid (Calanthe discolor) have started to bloom. This one is a garden varieties and I don't know the name. I love this colour:)

Thumbnail by goldenfish

Very pretty! I have tried a couple of times to grow Calanthe, they are borderline hardy for us in S. England, I've not yet managed to get one to bloom for me. It's good to see they do well for you :)

Tottori, Japan(Zone 9a)

Hello baa,
Thank you for viewing! Yes, "hardy orchid" is not actually hardy:(
Their cold resistance is depend on the variety. C. aristulifera, C. izu-insuaris and other Taiwanese sp are not hardy.
They don't like cold dry wind in winter than low temperature. They
spend winter under dead leaves or deep snow in nature. They protect the flower buds. So, if you put leaf mould on them about 20cm thik in winter might be work.

Tottori, Japan(Zone 9a)

I think Calanthe discolor and Calanthe tricarinata Lindl
are overwintering varieties in your zone.

Thanks for looking those up Goldenfish, much appreciated! Both were C. discolor and nursery grown here in this part of England. I wouldn't grow this one without some winter cover so had them in terracotta pots with a mix I use for some of my other terrestrial orchids and given winter shelter. I suppose like my other orchids, I'll have to kill at least two before I get the hang of their proper culture *G*

This message was edited Apr 9, 2004 2:15 PM

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