Too cold for wisteria??

Boonies, SD(Zone 4b)

I have had a wisteria by my fence for the last 10 years and it has never bloomed. Someone told me that zone 4 is too cold for wisteria, that the flower buds freeze and then it doesn't bloom. Is this true?? I had never heard this before but it would make sense as to why it hasn't bloomed yet.
Any ideas??

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

hmmmm, never heard that actually. I would be more inclined to believe your wisteria is seed born rather than a cutting / grafting. Some wisteria can take up to 15 years to bloom if ever.

Boonies, SD(Zone 4b)

Wow. I never knew that it took that long. It died back pretty severely one winter when it was really cold and I thought it was a gonner, but it came back. Maybe that had something to do with it too.
I guess I'll leave it and see what happens.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

You can always do what I did and buy a second vine (already in bloom), plant it along side the first.
Slowly over a couple years as the new vine grows you can cut out the older vine and before long you'll never know the nonbloomer was ever even there.
Be sure and buy a vine in bloom so you know for sure it will bloom, and that you like the color and scent.
Good luck Ruth


San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)

I think it is pretty borderline, especially for Wisteria sinesis (Chinese Wisteria). Most sites list that as hardy only to zone 5.

The Rippingdale Wisteria FAQ states Wisteria floribunda (Japanese Wisteria) is the most cold tolerant of the Wisterias and may be hardy to zone 4.

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