My houseplants

I have 4 plants that i purchased about 4 weeks ago. I can not figure out what Im doing wrong. I do not water to often because they alll require lil water and little light so I usually check the soil by finger as with my caladiums this is the onlly way i can determine if the soil is wet, damp or dry. I wait until the soil is not semi dry. I have not seen any new foliage except on one of the pllants and that ojne has only 2 new leafs
Dracaena: the leaves are turning brown I have it sitting on my window seal wwhich gets semi sun and watered approx. 1x every week and a 1/2 or 2 weeks
Marginata:: The leaves are turning brown with lil green left in them, I have it sitting near a window it gets semi light
(not a lot though) I water it approx. 1x every week depending on soil wetness
Ficus: the leaves are green but no new leaves just the same as when I ppurchased it, it sits of in a corner in my dining area
I water in routine with other household plants
Zebra plant: it sits inn front of my living room window with sunlight through the day and gets the same routine watering and this is the pllant that has produced 2 new leaves
I have had them for approx: 4 weeks shouldnt they be growing by now? I do use a lant feeder when i water them but i follow the directions. Should they be watered from the bottom up or top down?
Anyone......... please........

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

You might want to check into a fertilizer. Miracle grow makes one for houseplants. I usually put my plants in a LITTLE TINY BIT more sun than the tag says. Especially when I bring them home. If they've been under flourescent lights or in an industrial greenhouse. So I figure they need to settle in. Then I mix some fertilizer, with some distilled luke warm water and keep that in a spray bottle. I water them every 2 to 3 days depending on the soil and if they look limp and then I mist the soil every day before I go to work. I repot in the spring using a osmocote, perlite, pretty normal potting soil give it a good drink and let em grow. I don't prune them or fuss with them too much. But I know the light helps, cause I've experimented with it! Hope that helps a little. Mere

Decatur, IN(Zone 5a)

What kind of ficus is it? If its the ficus benjamina (sp.??), it need bright light but no direct sun. Mine faces a south window and is away from drafts. I've found this is the best spot it likes. It also likes to dry out between watering. I've never been able to water my plants on any specific routine. Some need watering others don't so I just water the ones that do and I do put my finger in the soil to test it first.

Mere has given you great advice. I hope this helps,

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

Yeah Gemila is right on with the draft thing. Watch out for baseboard heaters too! I almost killed my african violet and a ribbon leaf plant once. To much heat or sun or water can kill any houseplant, but the heater will for sure. I have a caladium that I treat just like a philod. They do fine anywhere. But don't put them in the sun, they just need light and not very much. I water it every three days, with fert. in the summer. Same with the dracaena. The Marginata? I always thought that was a description. I'm assuming it's another type of drac.? If so same thing. Unless it's a type of hosta, then I got no clue... hosta's aren't my dept. There are lotsa types of zebra's... if it's the succulent type just give it sun and don't overwater. If it's the type grown for foliage, they take a long time to grow unless in their natural hab. I gave one to a friend for a housewarming gift and it only has like three new leaves and that was a year ago, I was over there the other day... no progress. Hope that helps a little more! Mere

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

What about humidity? Could this be a factor with the survival of the plants along with them being near a heat register? Just a thought. Robbie

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

Good thought. But I'm in NY and I don't know where steph is. It's not too humid in my house. Actually quite dry. The constant flow of heat made the leaves wilt and rot out. I came home from vacation to near devastation. Good point robbie. I don't know. Let's hope we hear from her. Mere

This message was edited Apr 6, 2004 4:10 PM

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

I think she may need more humidity. I hope this helps her and her plants. Robbie

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

Robbie,How would you achieve more humidity? A HUMIDIFIER maybe? I don't think I ever had a problem with it. Do or did you? Mere

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

You can mist them or put a pan under the plants with warm water in it. Those are the only ways i know of unless you try a humidifier. Robbie

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

Oh I'm so confused. I put plates under my plants but to catch the water. I bet I've killed two birds with one stone. lol who knew that was for humidity as well. TX mere

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

Hey we learn from each other. That is what makes life go round and so wonderful. Robbie

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

Definetly learned today. Thanks again robbie. Mere

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

Your welcome. Robbie

Thank you so much I will try your advice and let you all know how Im coming along. I am determined to keep them ALIVE, I do not have my green thumb yet but Im going to find it. Im in zone 5..
I have a humidifier (may mother in law says to turn it on a few times a day it will add some moisture back into the air)I do use a fertilizer when i water them but i dont water as often as Im suppose to from what Im reading i should be watering more often I do not water as much as others do
so....I will try adding some humidity, water, and a lil more sun
Thank you again

I was looking over the plants today
they are ficus burgandy,dracaena marginata,janet craig dracaena and zebra plant (how can I tell if its a succulent pllant or foliage plant????

I noticed that you said warm water should i water all the plants with warm water or just mist them with it.I have been watering them with a watering can should i use a spray bottle ? Is that a seriously pre- pre pre-amature gardening question. Im so new to all this I havent the slightest idea OMG! Also,do I cut off the old hiddious brown leafs or will they eventually fall off
Thank you all for the advice and your time

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

Steph you can use a watering can. I just spray mine with a warm water fertilizer solution in the morning before I leave. They are in a window that sometimes can get a lot of sun. So I keep the top of the pot moist. I've found that sometimes they get dried out especially when I'm working doubles, so the misting in the morning prevents that. Plus they may not be ready for a full watering yet, Because I use a watering can too. You can go ahead and cut off the dead leaves. Most of them will just fall off. I save mine and use them for repotting. I put them in the bottoms of my pot's. As plants grow and leaves start to brown you want to get those off of there because plant needs to work on the new growth and not worry about the stuff that's dead or dying. Just like flowering plants it's good to remove the dead flower because then the plant will work on a new bud/flower, and not worry itself trying to bring back the old flower. At least that's what I've been taught. Hope that helps. And don't worry about asking any questions. I ask amature questions all the time. The thing with plants that just about everyone has said to me is it's trial and error, some things work and some don't. Hope this helps a little more, Mere

Thank you Mere i appreciate yur help and yes it does help
Have a great day

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