question about my passi vine

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

i am moving in may and would like to take my passion flower with me. should i dig it up now, as it comes out of dormancy and grow it in a pot till i leave or should i let it grow and dig it out later?

Mesilla Park, NM

I would put it into a pot now before it gets too big, it will have a chance to grow some roots before going to a new place, and also maybe you can take some cuttings and root them from this plant when it starts to grow. It is early in the spring yet, so I would think it can still be dug up successfully.

I have not ever done this my self, just started growing passion vines this year and a couple last year. I have had to dig them up and put them into pots because of some roof rats eating them, they recuperated great, and are growing new leaves (it did take a couple of months for them to take root again in pots). hope this helped.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Thank you, yes that helped a lot. I just wanted a second opinion- and that's what I think I will do.
Sorry I posted in both places, I didnt know if anyone was gonna see it, since I put it in an old post with a different subject title. That and I got a little impatient since I was repotting today :) Thanks again

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

well i transplanted it today and it so far seems not to mind. i also found 8 buds on it. cant wait!

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