Philodendron (Philodendron Pink Princess)

Hanover, PA(Zone 7a)

Philodendron Pink Princess


Thumbnail by katwoman77
Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

Is it a hybrid? Does anyone have cuttings? Meredith

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Mine doesn't want to grow much at all. For being over a year old, it is only about 12 inches long so far. Very slow.

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

Darn.... keep me in mind if ever you decide to cut it back...ok? Mere

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Where did you get it from? I've never seen it before... it is it a hybrid? It looks like one.

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm with hpluver--if anyone EVER has any cuttings available of this lovely cultivar, please contact me! I'll pay postage, trade, etc. After hpluver gets her dibs, that is.......=)

Kathleen in TX

(p.s. This plant is a dickens to find!)

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I'm not sure that mine has developed more than one leaf since I first posted. Boy, I knew it was slow growing, but this is wearing me out.

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow! I've read that it's a tidbit difficult compared to its "brethren," the plain leaf and "satin pothos." But that "difficult??!" Go fig.....philos are supposed to be effortless!!! lol

Kathleen in TX

p.s. I have little patience for plants who won't do as I expect either....;-)

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Katwoman--just wanted to mention that I had that same ivy-design pot (bought it @ HD, I think). Anyway, I LOVED it, and just last week (after about a year & 1/2), it began to disintegrate! The clay just powdered apart under the paint at the rim........very odd......

Essex, MD

I love this plant, but I'm wondering if it is going to be trouble, considering the comments. :) Arum

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Arum, I finally acquired this lovely plant, and I have found that it's very easy. I've had mine for several months now, and it's grown nicely, putting out several new leaves.


Essex, MD

MKJ, well you're a booger! :) Will this plant ever grow? Does it need bright light, because I had it in just medium light and it has a leaf that's starting to turn brown? Glad yours is doing good! :) Arum

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

You know what? I read somewhere--oh, I think it was from Kat above--that they like very diffused light.....nothing direct. Here's what Kat graciously suggested to me:

"What I have found is the more indirect light you give your plant the better the variegation."

Mine is about to birth out another leaf too! It's in a bathroom that is unusually cool, with a north-facing shower window. I just water it every once and awhile, and find new leaves when I go in there! I'll send you another HUGE bit of advice the grower gave me via email.........=)

I'm a thrilled booger at getting this plant--every time I look at it, I think, "Wow, can't believe I GOT it!?"

=) MKJ

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey, Arum--how's yours doing? Mine's put on about 6 new leaves, and I'm CONTEMPLATING propagating it with a leaf........have you yet?


Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Where did you purchase your plant from. I have looked everywhere without any luck locally?

I am little leary of purchase plants online, suggest any online stores.

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Goodness, best of luck! =( I've NEVER seen it in a store, and was only able to finally purchase one at a reasonable price ($20-something) on EBAY, versus the $30 and up online greenhouses charge.

I even asked one local greenhouse to order one, and they said it was hard to locate.......................=(

Centerville, UT(Zone 6a)

Another one for my wish list! It would be so nice to have a start. If you ever have any to share, please let me know. I would be happy to trade for it.

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