My clematis is blooming too

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

First bloom of the year

Thumbnail by rylaff
Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Very Pretty clematis. Which one is it? I love the center on this one.

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

This one is Henryi. Lots of buds on it.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I thought it looked like Henryi. Mine died and I replaced it with Belle of Woking.

That's beautiful!

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Very pretty!

Mesilla Park, NM


I love that Clematis,

this is the first year with my clematis also. I planted 8 of them last year and thought they died, but they are up and growing great. They are about 2 feet tall and have a good spread on them from the bottom (lots of branches or shoots). How big do they have to be before they bloom?

Got these in last year: two of each of Henryi, Sweet Autumn, Royal, Jackmani, Gen. Skorkorsi (something like that)

and this year got: Josephine, Piilu and ordered a couple more from parks sale collection (three were duplicates of what I had, but with a 10.00 coupon I had and their sale, I got 9 more for 24.00). I am going to be in a jungle soon. I hope.

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

I planted mine as very small last year. They are not very big this year, but are blooming well so far. My H.F. Young (purple) just opened up 4 blooms today too. Some clematis, like the henryi and H.F.Young are early bloomers, some bloom mid season and some late. I think my Dr. Ruppel is budding too. You should get blooms this year. Surprised they havent already started.

Mesilla Park, NM

Our weather is weird here, it gets cold still, and then goes up 40 degrees in one day, then drops back down.. confusing me and the well, I will be waiting for the first blooms.. Thank you.. A

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

pic from today.

Thumbnail by rylaff
Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by rylaff
Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

Very nice ...I took this picture this morning ( Nelly Moser )

Thumbnail by dixiechick
Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

Another picture...Gosh! I'm so proud of this little baby. It's done great this year. hope y'all enjoy the pix.

Thumbnail by dixiechick
OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

All are beautiful!

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Wow Dixie, those are incredible.

Paxton, FL(Zone 8a)

How do ya'll have blooms already? Mine are just coming up!

Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

Gingerlilly, I'm not sure but i think different one's bloom at different times. The nelly moser blooms off of last years growth first then again off the new growth.
I always use some type of liquid bloom booster after I start seeing the buds growing. Hope this helps.
What kind do you have?

Thumbnail by dixiechick
Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

Have some seeds of C.jackmanii from a trade last year and are still lying in the envelope waiting. Do you have any idea of how to start it from seed? The earlier batch failed to germinate since I did sow them in the normal way. But I learnt that there is some other method. Will it still be viable now?

Those are pretty blooms rylaff. How long does it stay open? I think our trade (for some other plant seeds) is still pending.

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