UGWB Heirloom Tomato Archive

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Stumbled across this today. Saw some old posts with old URLs so thought it was worth reposting.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

It's a good link Keith.

Dr Jeff Nekola has long been active in SSE and I've known him for years.

He's gotten a lot of varieties from me in past years and when you see a tomato variety that has as the source NY MA C, that's me, my SSE code name , which means:

NY, as in state
MA as in last name Male
C as in first name Carolyn.

Jeff has a strong penchant for the offbeat, the weird, etc. which makes life interesting. LOL

Another good picture show is Reinhard Kraft's Photogallerie from Germany. But right now I can't get it to keep a URL separate from the pop up in order to post here.

I admit I'm not very good at remembering that others might enjoy some of the websites I like.

Reinhard's is in German but you can view the tomatoes with no trouble and don't even think of asking Google to translate it for you. (smile)


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Nice pics there. And the info is very succinct.

Interesting tomato, the Gillogly Pink, he had shown there. Wonder what it tastes like?

Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

Diener and Diener Potato Leaf, hmmmm, I bet someone knows how they taste??? They look good enough to eat right from their picture, so how would a young and up-coming, ambitous young gardener, who wants to carry on more traditions immaginable, get his hands on some of these rare and unique heirloom seeds? I'm a psychology(Go Figure) major in college, and as I want to be the sage to pass on knowledge, and to leave my mark(Mind) on and with so many, my legacy. I wish to do the same with gardening for my children as well as my future students. So how do I let some seeds, as well as myself, with-stand the test of time, hmmmmmm, scary thought from my neck of the woods:) LOL??? PS My head, is an oversized Irish Hat rack, that's it's best use:) LOL

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