dutchman's pipe vine....??

Franklin, LA(Zone 9b)

ok, my grandparents went to visit my aunt in brookshire, tx this weekend..
they came back today and brought me a pot with a dutchman's pipe vine in it
it's the kind that just basically grows wild there.... and i'm kind of wondering if maybe someone here that lives in that area might be able to tell me what type that is?
i know, i'm really reaching.. but i'd really like to find out which variety it is

Melbourne, FL(Zone 9a)

might just search web and put in dutchmen's pipe- i am not familiar with any variety- i only have one and am hoping to dig it up and move it to new house- it is a lovely bloom and seed pod is fascinating-- maybe if u posted a pic of it someone could help -- only thing i know is to search on web-i spend hours searching for EVERYTHING IMAGINABLE!!!:)

Franklin, LA(Zone 9b)

well.. i dont have a pic of it yet, they just brought the plant home yesterday and i dont have a digital camera yet
though.. i really dont think that posting a picture of it right now would prove to be helpful in identification
it's not in bloom right now
the leaves are heart shaped (arent most dutchman's pipe vine leaves?) and uhm.. it's a vine
that's about all i can say about it at this point
if no one knows which variety is most common growing wild in that area of texas, i suppose i'll be forced to take and post a picture of it once it blooms, to try to figure out which kind it is...

San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)

Not from the South; but, I do like Dutchman's Pipe!

There are quite a few Dutchman's Pipe that are native and/or introduced to the South.

Virginia Snakeroot, Aristolochia serpentaria http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=aristolochia+serpentaria&btnG=Search or Wooly Dutchman's Pipe, Aristolochia tomentosa http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=aristolochia+tomentosa&sa=N&tab=wi seem the most likely of the Dutchman's Pipes to be in LA from the plants.usda.gov website.


However, they list ranges in Florida and Texas for quite a few more of the species, so who knows...

Are the leaves more rounded or arrow shaped? Furry or smooth?

Franklin, LA(Zone 9b)

they're smooth
and heart shaped, so i guess they would be "more rounded"
this vine didnt come from louisiana, though..
it came from texas
brookshire, texas... to be exact
my aunt sent it over for me with my grandparents who went there for a visit this weekend
tomorrow, i can take a leaf off of it and put it on the scanner, if that would be of any help..

San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)

Oh, rats, wasn't paying attention.

Unfortunately, according to the USDA, Texas has just about the largest variety of Dutchman's Pipe in the US. In addition to the two above, which are also known in Texas, you get to choose from:

Aristolochia coryi, A. erecta, A. pentadara, A. reticulata, and A wrightii.

Aristolochia reticulata is named "Texas Dutchman's Pipe" and is a US native. However, according to sites I've seen, it is supposed to be hairy. Probably, you're not going to get a good ID until you get a flower.

Franklin, LA(Zone 9b)

ok then
thanks for all the good info
i'll post pics when it flowers, i spose

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