More Trivia (esp. for Deller)

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

1. One month has 28 days. Of the remaining 11 months, how many have 30 days?

2. Why can't a man living in New York City be buried west of the Mississippi?

3. Do they have a 4th of July in England?

4. How can you throw a tennis ball with all your might and have it stop and come back to you without hitting any wall, net or other obstruction?

5. A farmer has 4 7/9th haystacks in one corner of the field and 5 2/9th haystacks in the other corner of the field. If he puts them all together, how many haystacks will he have?

6. If you stand on a marble floor, how can you drop a raw egg 5 feet without breaking it's shell?

7. After a woman was blindfolded, a man hung up her hat. She walked 50 meters, turned around and shot a bullet through her hat. How could she do this?

8. Take five apples from seven apples and what have you got?

9. You are sitting in a room with 12 friends. Can any of them seat themselves in any particular place in this room where it would be impossible for you to do so?

10. Six robbers rode in a Chevette for over 150 miles to their hideout. The trip took exactly 2 hours, yet no one noticed that they had a flat tire all this time. How was this possible?

11. How long did the Hundred Years War last?

12. In what month do the Russians celebrate the October Revolution?

13. In what country are Panama hats made?

14. What country supples Peruvian balsam?

15. Where do Chinese Gooseberries come from?

16. How many kings were names Louis prior to Louis the 18th?

17. What kind of animals are the Canary Islands names for?

18. From where do we get cat gut?

19. What is a camel hair brush made from?

20. How long did the 30 Years War last?

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