To mulch or not to mulch; this is the question...

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

I tead in a gardening magazine that one should clean the top of the soil in the pot of any debris, sprinkle Osmocote and mulch....any kind of container grown plant. Has anyone done this? I worry that here in Florida the humidity would create problems, however watering is a chore during the hottest months....any opinions? Thanks!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I think mulch is a good idea nearly anywhere. I think I would also put some of those water absorbing crystals(try for good prices)in the soil, set the pots into larger pots and put vermiculite, perlite, peat moss, etc well packed in between the pots to help insulate against the heat. Even some of that shredded coconut fiber, peanut hulls, ground corncobs, etc. to cover the surface of the soil and help reduce evaporation would be better than no mulch at all. But a good mulch will help to feed the plants all during the growing season.

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

What do you consider a good mulch? They are selling mellalucca tree mulch here as it is considered an enemy to native plants. How would mulch give nutrients? Interesting, but what to look for?

San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)

I'm still working this one out myself. However, I have decided that Cocoa Hulls are a bad idea. In our climate they mold very quickly and become a breeding ground for fungus gnats and a wonderful home for earwigs. Interestingly, after the mold dies down, they seem to be a great medium for starting surface sown seeds like salvia. This year I'm top dressing my pots with fine fir mulch.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Hi - I put an inch of shredded cedar on top of the soil in most of my containers - it really does cut down on watering and I've seen no adverse reactions from any of the plants. I live in So. California and most of my containers have full sun all day - if I don't mulch, my plants fry during the Summer. I've also been told that beneficial micro-organisms get baked right out of the soil, if the soil gets too hot.

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