Ghost Cherry

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

I let my local nursery know that they had flats of plectranthus that had been labeled incorrectly. (They are usually spot on so this is unusual.) Anyway, I am now the proud owner of a Ghost cherry tomato. Anyone ever grown any? They are supposed to be white. DD isn't too sure how she feels about a white tomato. Lol!

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Ghost Cherry was bred by Joe Bratka and is not an heirloom variety.

it's very similar to his Snow White and the Rabbit one as well.

Don't worry b/c it won't be white in CA where the UV is high.LOL

Please read the thread here on the Dr. Carolyn tomato in order to understand what I mean when I say it won't be white in CA.

Yes, I've grown Ghost Cherry.


Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

That thread I referred to isn't titled Dr. Carolyn it's titled I just had a real treat.

Sorry about that.


San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

How disappointing! Thanks for the info Carolyn. Will it grow on an arbor like the pear tomatoes? DD loves the smell of tomato plant better than any flower so we use the yellow pear tomato for an arbor since they grow like crazy here.

The first year I put up 7 foot stakes for the tomatoes, my DH (from Utah) said I was insane. He was not laughing any more when we had to put slats across the tops to hold up the tomatoes lol.

Where would I get a Dr. Carolyn tomato?


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