red bud help please

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i have a redbud tree thats infested with something. they are tine little black scaley like bugs. or something. i sprayed with insecticiadl soap and those black things are still there and now some are fuzzy white. help. i dont know if they are hurting the tree or not. i figured insect soap would of killed them. this tree was here when i got the house this January. its about five foot ta;ll right now. any help welcome. marie

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Sounds like you have scales, a common problem with Redbuds. The fuzzy white bugs sound like mealy bugs. One site indicates that Mesolecanium nigrofasciatum (Terrapin Scale) is the primary pest with Cercis - dunno...)

Dormant oil spray is probably the most common recommendation. You can also do a summer oil spray, but I'm no expert, so I won't recommend brands, timing, etc.

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