Just had a real treat!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I planted a Dr. Carolyn cherry tomato and have been eating them for about a week now and they seem to have a unique flavor all their own. They are delicious! When ripe they turn a bright yellow but they are so sweet and delicious that I have not been able to leave them on the plant until fully ripe. They are so good that I can't wait. They must be super great when ripe. Their growth is comparable to the sweet 100's, in that they grow in a large cluster. I am going to start some more from seed and hope they make it through our summer humidity! You must grow these and "Market Growers" this is a winner!

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Glad you like them.

And if I haven't shared where they came from and who named them, please gently yell and I'll talk. LOL

They aren't yellow when ripe, for everyone.

Actually I first gave this variety a working name of ivory mutant.

Any so called white or ivory variety can show a range of color which is dependent on the degree of foliage the plant has and the degree of UV that the fruits are exposed to.

So those in the more southern climes will never have the lighter colored fruits that are more trypical up here in the northern climes where the UV is not as intense.

And that's independent of foliage cover as well.


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Carolyn -- I didn't know that the color was supposed to be white. I feel priviliged to have this beautiful color. It is more a yellowish gold. Wish I could find that color paint.
Would this color be true to my local only? If so, it would be a shame not to share with others. Please do tell me the back ground of this fabulous tomato? Don't you think this would make a great market tomato? It is better than "Santa Sweets"

This message was edited Mar 22, 2004 1:48 PM

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

TPlant, would be cool to see what color your area gives that mater. Can you take a pic?

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)


I had grown Galina's Yellow, a terrific deep gold cherry with PL foliage from Siberia and saved seeds.

When I planted out those seeds I got plants with cherries that were red, pink, yellow, salmon and ivory colored, on different plants, but no Galina's Yellow. Sigh.

It wasnt due to a cross; one wouldn't get all those cherries if it were a cross. So my working name for the ivory colored one, which was the best, was Ivory Mutant.

At the same time my friend Steve Draper in Utah was also seeing some genetci instability with Galina.

He asked me to send my different colored ones to him and I did.

He, like me, thought the ivory colored one was terrific and asked if he could list it at SSE. I said sure, go ahead, and when I opened the next Yearbook, there it was, named Dr. Carolyn by Steve. LOL That was quite a surprise b/c we never discussed what he was going to name it.

Occasionally Dr. Carolyn will throw a plant with red cherries. And someone sent me a pink they got from Dr. Carolyn which they had named Dr. Carolyn Pink. I love it almost better than Dr. Carolyn, the ivory one. But Dr. Carolyn Pink can show two fruit forms on different plants. One fruit form is the same size as the original Dr. Carolyn and the other one is larger and I don't like it as well.

So one can still see a bit of genetic instability in this line of Dr. Carolyn and Dr. Carolyn Pink.

As I said in my post above, all white/ivory colored varieties will give the lightest color in the northern parts of the country b/c of less UV.

And I also said that the degree of foliage cover also determines how light the fruits will be.

In the TGS catalog and in my book the fruits of Dr. Carolyn are definitely yellow, but on any given plant I might have clusters of ivory ones if they are in deep foliage or pale yellow ones with a bit less foliage or shades of pale yellow to deep yellow if the fruits are more exposed to sun.

So as I said above, folks who grow where you do, in the south, are apt to see the most yellow with any ivory or white variety, as you're now seeing with Dr. Carolyn.

Dr. Carolyn has inherited a lot of the terrific taste of Galina's, and one day you should try that one to see what I mean. But Dr, Carolyn is a large indet plant that is very robust while Galina's is less so.



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