Challenge Results 1-21-04

Following are the results of those reporting so far.

Anna and BG, you posted your current weight but in excel I have you down for number of pounds you wanted to lose. I have Anna down for 12 and BG down for 4. I don't have your starting weight. It doesn't really matter as you are both doing absolutely wonderful!

Total Lost % for week % for Challenge
Kelli .5 17% 17%
LeafLady 10.5 40% 210%
Lenjo 8 -5% 40%
LilyFan 14.5 0% 73%
Sugar 4 -30% 40%
Sveiks 8 0% 53%
Tomden 0% -38%

This message was edited Mar 23, 2004 8:39 PM

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