Mucuna albertisii - Red Jade Vine

Cliffsend, Kent, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Does this baby grow - it must like it in my conservatory as it is growing between 1" - 1.5" per day. I planted it on the 22/02/04 and it has climbed way, way up the wall. does anyone know if this vine will flower in its first year? and how hardy is it going to be? Can't seem to find much info on this vine.

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

afy, I'm not familiar with Mucuna albertisii, but I have a Mucuna species, and I've seen pictures of Mucuna bennettii. From what I understand, these plants need a few years of maturity before reaching the flowering stage. My Mucuna species started to die back with nighttime temperatures in the 40's when left exposed, but it did okay under a protected patio. Mucuna bennettii is supposed to be much more cold sensitive and would not survive temperatures much below 55.

Cliffsend, Kent, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Looks like my source for the seed may have mis-named it in some way - It does look like the Mucuna albertisii could be white in colour - i will check this out with my supplier ;-)

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Did you ever check with your supplier??
I bought some from you, and they have already set buds. I can update the color when they bloom, if you haven't already found out...

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