annuals in cold frames yet?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I need help, I am really new to starting these annuals, plus putting them outside in a cold frame, a couple of mine are starting to bloom, violas and read somewhere that if you put them out the cold will slow them down, can someone from my zone give me some hints when I can put them outside and if I should do it in the sun or shade? I put one cold frame out yesterday facing the east, the south is not so easy for me because of the way our yard is. Should I put them where they get the morning sun for a couple of hours and shade the rest of the day? I have a couple of those mini greenhouses I could put on the back pourch.I know I need to harden them off first, but that's it.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

A lot of annuals can handle the cooler weather... but some of them will not. Violas are definitely cool weather lovers and can even handle some frost.

I wouldn't put anything in full sun until they are hardened off well. Plants going from inside to full sun will burn quickly. I like to move most of my plants out on a cloudy, rainy day. I keep them in shade for a couple of weeks before they are moved out into the sun.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I know some of the annuals said hardy on the seed packet, but I never know what the weather is going to be here, you've probably planted a lot out already being in your zone, I'm just wishing for a early spring, haven't had one of those for a long time, you're reply came at a good time, I made my two Big Lots mini cold frames today for my violas and pansies, it has a cover so I covered them for the nite, it's suppose to rain, and then the weatherman said cold Wed. They're in the shade on the back pourch, thought dad would have a fit, but he took it pretty well, (small pourch).

I just took the cold frame up, there is no shade that I can put it without kiling the grass, maybe I can use it in the fall.

I'm just used to starting perennials outside in the spring, have never done annuals. Perennials are my favorite, I'm on unemloyment and am going to try and sell some this spring. They just don't look as good when you start them in the house, it worries me not to see them not as stocky as they would be in the summer.

This is my trial and error year :-?

Thanks Poppysue, you gave me that ump I needed.

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