too many apps running -how do I select?

Tiffin, OH(Zone 6a)

Calling all geeks (and geekettes)- need your aid here. I am almost out of physical memory-only 6.39mb left of 383. When I checked there were 39 apps. running-apparently automatically. How do I pick what I need/want to run automatically and set everything else so it doesn't start unless I select and start the program?
I've run AdAware and Spy Sweeper to make sure none of this stuff is really toxic but not even sure ( due to unclear filenames) what all IS running and whether I really need it!
I know next to nothing about computer innards so if you have instructions or suggestions please bear with me and use words of one syllable!! I'm scared of deleting something crucial but feel I should get rid of some of this stuff.
I have a Dell 4100 with Windows ME, Norton AV and Internet Security, Pop-Up Stopper, the free version of Spy Sweeper and Ad Aware6-don't really download alot of stuff.
Thanks for any help!! MW

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