High blood pressure woes

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I went to see Dr Scott this morning. A very pleasant young man. I asked about menopause/osteoporosis. I'm having a trouble-free menopause but worried about osteoporosis. He says I'm low-risk. Hurray!
Asked about bronchitis - I've had a couple of bouts. He says I've just been unlucky.

Asked about diet sheets. The practice doesn't have them. He suggested less calories and more exercise. He thought quite highly of Atkins but not the extreme versions.

I also thought I needed a general check-up. Haven't had one for years. So he took my blood pressure. It's always been absolutely perfect before. This time it was quite high. So I go and see the practice nurse for another one plus blood tests. Then I go and discuss the results with him. Do you think he'll prescribe meds of some kind? They're generally effective if they're early enough?

I was right to go. I've had no particular symptoms of high blood pressure but I had some suspicions.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

My blood pressure went up with my last pregnancy (almost exactly 15 yrs. ago) and never went back down until I was medicated. I've tried about half a dozen over the years and now have had Ziac (brand name) for many years. Asked the doc what my risk was for stroke and he said basically the same as those who don't have hypertension. He told me last visit that 5 pts. over the 'normal' is acceptable at office calls - citing a recent study done in the UK. :) I really haven't heard of anyone that hasn't responded to some type of medication. There is quite a few choices available - Beta blockers and the other type (non-beta blockers?) which I forget the name of. Hope they find the right one for you!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you kooger. It's a serious illness so I'm sure they'll persevere till they find one that's effective.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

I have been taking Lopressor for high blood pressure for a few years and it has brought down and kept my pressure normal. Except last week it went 160/114 when I had to see a neurologist because of brief dizzy spells. Had to see regular doctor next day because of it and it was normal. I also take furosomide (water pill) daily.
I had high blood pressure for years before I went on the medicine. Your blood pressure could have been high because of the stress of seeing the doctor. If so, your tests should show up fine, and hopefully they will!

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