Need Source For Chinese Vegetable Seed

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I have 4 new Chinese friends/co-workers and I would like to surprise and help them by planting some veggies in my garden that they could get in China. They are very homesick and have a hard time finding fresh veggies in the Asian Supermarkets. I know this would mean a lot to them. Anyone know a source for seeds??? Thanks for your help!!!!

Here is a source

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

berrygirl, there is also an excellent, informative and easy to read book called "Grow Your Own Chinese Vegetables" you would greatly benefit from. When it was new it was only $8.95; I bet you can find some used ones on Amazon. (ISBN is 0-88266-369-0)

(Guess I better go add this to the Garden Bookworm!)

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

I think Pine Tree Garden Seeds has a small selection of Chinese Vegetables.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Baker Creek has a wonderful selection of Asian edibles. Jere is a respected member here and they have great ratings in the Garden Watchdog. He has actually made trips to Asia and personally collected seeds from the villages and markets. is the address.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks so much for all your help!!!! I am gonna order today!!! I hope I can send in the pix when the veggies come in!! My friends are gonna be sooo happy!!!! Thanks again y'all!!!!!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I have Vietnamese friends who I grow veggies for...they are so happy to see familiar things...hope you can make your friends as happy.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for all the help and kind words. These friends of mine are college interns from China who are working at the resort where I also work. They are treated like_______ and get the [deleted] jobs. I have tried to help them and thought to give them a "taste of home" would mean a lot to them. Please say a little prayer that the garden will be productive and the deer will scram!!!! I'll keep you all posted on the progress, and again thanks so much!!!!!!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Berrygirl..what a wonderful thing you are doing. International students can feel so alone and nothing is familiar. Added to the fact, that they do get mistreated by ignorant people.

My Vietnamese friends are the same way. They came here through terrible hardship to make a better life and get treated so unfairly. One woman walked from Cambodia across Vietnam and then spent 9 years in a refugee camp until she got a sponsor here in the States.She now owns her own business and is a contributing member of the community. I feel honored to know someone with that much will and determination.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

We bought from Evergreen last year, very good seeds. They have a great selection!

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

I've been pleased with Evergreen too. Territorial Seeds has a few.

I found an interesting link to add to this thread. Maybe they would know of a similar project for Chinese immigrants.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

What a nice thing you are doing for your foreign born friends. I hope your garden is fantastic!

Erwin, TN(Zone 7a)

I buy my Asian Veggie seed from Johnnys Seed--They are on the List for Daves Garden Venders,they have a good selection.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Johnny's is an exelent source, and their print catalog is a valuable aid for growing tips and culture. A 'must have'.

Beltsville, MD

Try Kitazawa Seed Company at They also have a hard copy of their catalog available (I believe that Evergreen Seed Co. only has an online version).

I have ordered from Kitazawa and they have excellent customer service and very good selections of Asian vegetables and herbs that do well here in the United States. If your friends would also like to plant Chinese garlic, then contact Filaree Farm at or D. Landreth Seed Company at The types to look for are in the Turban garlic category. This is the time to plant garlic, and seed companies are fast running out of stock, so hurry!

Richmond, VA

Kitazawa has very generous seeds packets, and the seeds have a better than average germination . I have ordered from them before, and some of these greens I had never grown before. I too, have an Asian neighbor and he is always delighted when I hand him a little bunch of "home".

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Kitchen and Arias, THANK you so very much for your help!!!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I, too, am impressed with your interest in your Chinese friends. It is really a mind expanding experience to learn how Asians cook. Their food is very tasty and healthy!

I, too, am a big fan of Evergreen and Kitazawa seeds. I also buy oriental veggie seeds from Stokes and Johnny's. My Korean next door neighbors love the greens I give them. They, however, prefer green onions ( scallions) to bulbed onions and were amazed that we ate them when they had bulbs on the bottom!
It is great fun to share veggies and customs with the Asians who have come to our country. I have some Asian friends who really love my Oriental Garlic chives as well. You can grow them as flowers -- they are attractive and let your Chinese friends cut them for making dumplings and egg dishes.
You can also enjoy them yourself. My husband and I like them in pasta with gorgonzola cheese sauce.

Seattle, WA

I find Asian greens at my local nursery, possibly because here in Seattle we have a lot of demand for them. I liked the mizuna, tatsoi, and Giant Red Mustard I got from the nursery last year and when I went looking for seeds I found them at Johnny's. They have more types than I have had the room to try yet!

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