Favorite Deep Red Climbers?

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

I'm looking to grow something in a good solid red color that would be able to vine up my porch & house. It would get a lot of sun. Any suggestions?

First preference is an annual for this year. Don't know if there's a perennial in this category for zone 5?

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Scarlet Runner Beans? Or Scarlet O'hara morning glories?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

clemitis cyrpess vine cardinal flower trumpet vine(but can be invasive)

there are not that many truely red vines out there.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Spanish Flag appears to turn red with age. I'm going to try this vine this year. Not perennial for us through. I love clematis, but they don't bloom enough for me.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 8b)

Hi Morph,

Here is a suggestion of a red flowering vine - Manettia cordifolia - It is hardy to at least zone 7, but not sure about 5a.

Thumbnail by NCplantsman
Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks everyone for your ideas. If the Japanese MGs are truly red, then I've got those. I'm just not sure if they will bloom red or more pink. If not, I'll look for the Scarlet O'hara MGs. The scarlet runner bean looks like it would grow fast, but I was hoping for more color ~ they look like they might be smaller blooms?

The clemitis cyrpess vine cardinal flower would be a definite choice. But, I think that one might be for a longer perennial look? I'm not sure about that one being a rapid grower or not? Do you know?

I like the Spanish Flag, too. Maybe it needs time to mature and I could plant for future color? Or, is it a fast grower?

I think the Manettia cordifolia might fit for the effect I'm trying to get. When does it bloom? Does it grow fast?

Thanks so much for everyone's ideas!

Raleigh, NC(Zone 8b)

Manettia starts blooming here in Zone 8 early summer and continues til the first freeze. It does grow fast too.

Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

The cypress vine is a fast grower here. The flowers are really small almost unnoticable but the grrenery of the foilage is unique and beautiful on it. I will look for a picture of mine

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

The Spanish flag vine is gorgeous, but I'd start it early. Mine bloomed up until Christmas last year but was slow to get the first blooms. I love the foliage on the cypress vine and the cardinal climber. Both have tiny flowers but really cool and different leaves.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks :) So far I've started the Scarlet O'hara morning glories because the seeds were easy to find at Lowes & pretty affordable, too. I have a gift certificate to use Franks Nursery so I'm hoping to search for some of what y'all recommended. Appreciate your help!

Royal Oak, MI(Zone 5b)

I to am looking for a red vine. Zone 5a. What about Sweet Peas? My area is just about ALL shade.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Morph, there are some red clematis like Niobe.
On this link I noticed hardiness for Niobe is zone 4.
There are other red clematis like Rouge or Red Cardinal.
I checked my link and it didn't work completely correct, but if you put Niobe Clematis into the search there it should pull it up.

This message was edited Mar 25, 2004 4:20 PM

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Thx, Lenjo! I'm hoping to look at DeMonyes (our little Columbus get together & sale). I would love the red clematis & will be hunting for a good sale.

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