new list of plants

fort erie, ON(Zone 6a)

baptisia australis
catacache caerulea
echinacea paradoxa 'paradoxa'
echinacea purpurea ruby star
echinops bannaticus 'blue glow'
eryngium amethystinum
verbascum bomb 'polar summer'
campsis radicans 'flamenco

Flower Mound, TX(Zone 7b)

'Purple Smoke" Baptisia Australis is on my list, and I just got Echinops 'Ritro" today...I have a long list! Many more to get :)

fort erie, ON(Zone 6a)

I wanted to put the common names but I could not find them my list is big also what is your list ?

Flower Mound, TX(Zone 7b)

Don't laugh! Here it is....This is my huge list - a lot of it I put in last Fall...We took out our entire backyard, and re did the soil and made it all grass free. This list terrified me when I first saw it :) I told my landscape designer I wanted Butterflies, and hummingbirds, native & adapted plants for Texas, and an English Country garden - Texas style! You can see the first photo on the photo page under "New Garden". I will take one to post an update when it fills in as well.... .
Trees: Qty.
Althea 'Blue Bird' 1
Bald Cypress 1
Bird of Paradise 1
Desert Willow 1
Eve's Necklace 1
Mexican Redbud 1
Possumhaw 1
Smoke Tree 1
Wax Myrtle 1

Agarita 1
Aromatic Sumac 2
Butterfly Bush 1
Coralberry 3
Dwarf Pomegranate 2
Dwarf Wax Myrtle 4
Dwarf Weeping Crape Myrtle 2
Dwarf Yaupon Holly 3
Edward Goucher Abelia 1
Francis Mason Abelia 3
Gold Flame Spirea 3
Loropetalum 1
Red Yucca 1

Adagio Miscanthus 3
Gulf Muhly 4
Lindheimer's Muhly 1
Little Bluestem 3
Mexican Feather Grass 5
Moudry Fountain Grass 3

Altissimo 1
Belinda's Dream 1
Climbing Pinkie 1
Else Poulson 1
Iceberg 1
Katy Road Pink 1
Knockout 1
Martha Gonzales 1
New Dawn 1
Paul Neyron 1
Red Cascade 1
Seafoam 1
Souvenir de la Malmaison 1
Swamp Rose 1
The Fairy 1

Agastache 1
Autumn Sage 4
Balloon Flower 5
Baptisia australis 1
Bearded Iris 8
Bee Balm 4
Big Red Sage 1
Black Dalea 3
Black-eyed Susan 'Indian Summer' 4
Blackfoot Daisy 3
Bleeding Heart 2
Blue Mist Shrub 2
Brazilian Pavonia 1
Calylophus 2
Cedar Sage 3
Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise' 5
Creeping Pink Phlox 32
Creeping Speedwell 2
Crinum Lily 1
Daylily 7
Dianthus 'Firewitch' 6
Fall Aster 2
Fall Obedient Plant 2
Flame Acanthus 1
Four-nerve Daisy 5
Frogfruit 5
Gayfeather 3
Germander 7
Globe Thistle 4
Gray Santolina 3
Green Santolina 5
Gregg's Mistflower 3
Guara 'Siskiyou Pink' 1
Gulf Coast Penstemon 3
Hardy Amaryllis 3
Hardy Hibiscus 1
Holly Fern 2
Jerusalem Sage 1
Katie's Dwarf Ruellia 4
Lamb's Ear 2
Lantana 3
Lily of the Nile 1
Limerock Ruby Coreopsis 3
Meadow Sage 6
Mexican Bush Sage 'Santa Barbara' 1
Mexican Mint Marigold 3
Mistflower 3
Moonbeam Coreopsis 4
Mountain Sage 1
Ox-eye Daisy 5
Pincushion Flower 5
Pink Rain Lily 12
Purple Coneflower 3
Purple Loosestrife 3
Purple Oxalis 8
Red Columbine 3
Red Spider Lily 3
Rock Rose 1
Rock Soapwort 2
Russian Sage 3
Salvia darcyi 3
Salvia guaranitica 3
Salvia 'Indigo Spires' 1
Shrubby Skullcap 5
Soapwort 3
Society Garlic 6
Spiderwort 3
Spring Obedient Plant 2
Texas Star Hibiscus 2
Tiger Lily
Turk's Cap 'Fiesta' variegated 4
Upright Verbena 4
Verbena 'Blue Princess' 14
Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue' 3
White Guara 1
White Rain Lily 5
White Spider Lily 1
Winecup 3
Yarrow 7
Yellow Columbine 3
Zexmenia 3

Butterfly Weed 3

Bronze Fennel 3
Dill 3
Parsley 4
Prostrate Rosemary 1
Rue 3
Spanish Lavender 3

Dutch Hyacinth
Dutch Iris
Giant Allium
Grape Hyacinth
Summer Snowflake

Carolina Jessamine 1
Clematis 1
Confederate Jasmine 2
Crossvine 1
Hyacinth Bean Vine 1
Pam's Pink Honeysuckle 1
Passionvine 1
Sweet Autumn Clematis 1
Dutchman's Pipe 1

Water Plants:
Bald Cypress 1
Bog Sage
Buttonbush 1
Corkscrew Rush
False Indigo 1
Halberd-leaf Hibiscus 1
Hardy Water Lily
Lizard Tail
Louisiana Iris
Pickerel Weed
Siberian Iris 3
Swamp Rose 1
Virginia Sweetspire 1

Hanging Baskets/Patio Plants:
Sweet Potato Vine
Purple Heart
Japanese Maple
Lemon Tree
Lime Tree
Asparagus Fern

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Can't wait to see pictures when it fills in! It will be beautiful.

fort erie, ON(Zone 6a)

wow what a list how big is your yard?

Flower Mound, TX(Zone 7b)

I would estimate it to be about 1000 square feet give or take. I believe our lot is 150' deep and 65' wide....We have removed all the grass, and are striving for an English Cottage Garden look using native & adapted Texas plants to attract birds and butterflies. But - the list includes plants for the front yard, side yard - as well as along the pond edge. So far we have most of the ones for the backyard planted. The front will have to wait until Fall or next Spring, depending on how much energy we have :) I will post some photos to show the progress and growth soon...

fort erie, ON(Zone 6a)

wow can not wait to see the pics

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

baptisia australis & Baptisia leucantha, the (white one) is on my list, I have seeds and going to cross my fingers they take off, I had a baptisia australis where I lived before, but you can't move them and my neighbors stoled the seeds! I waited two years for the seeds and the neighbors got them. I love the foliage. Are you going to start from seed or did you find the plants? If you need a plant and mine take off, will be happy to share if they get started, one pack has 15 and the other has 20 seeds. Have one of each already promised.

Flower Mound, TX(Zone 7b)

I think I will get the plant - I am too anxious to wait! I think I want the one called 'Purple Smoke', looks pretty nice. I'll see if I can find a photo....Thanks for offering to share - I can't believe the neighbors stole the seeds!

Flower Mound, TX(Zone 7b)
Here is the 'Purple Smoke' Baptisia Australis....

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes, this is what I just started the other day and the white one, had to put it in the freezer for five days and then at temp of 70 I think, so going to put them under my lights, it says you can do that, wish me luck. I hope you can find a plant I have been looking since I moved and no one sells them here anymore.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Well update on my seeds, the purple smoke has been coming up for a while now and the white one just came up about a couple of weeks ago just one so far did you ever get your purple smoke, have one for trade?

Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

WOW! Sound's like "Heaven on Earth" I'm really looking forward to seeing your pic's.

I would love to do some trading or something you have several plants I'm looking for ( any of your sage,Hummer's love it) Spanish Lavender, creeping phlox & creeping speedwell, oh shuck's! I want your

Let me know if your looking for any trading

Thx, Dixiechick

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

shearpamela -- I don't know if you got all the things on your list, but I'm going to divide my Moudry Fountain grass this year. I have two big clumps and they are overshadowing some plants that need the sun. Let me know if you want any of the divisions.


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm going to check your picture out, I've been wanting to see this Blue Mist Shrub, I sent to Gurney's for that $20 freebe thing got 4 things and this is the only thing I havewn't gotten, bet I don't get it lol It sure looked pretty in the picture, they are common there? I've never seen one here, if I did I didn't know it. You just have to take a sep. picture for me and post it please, Please, Please :-) I think I'm gonna like this. Sounds like you have a lot of beautiful plants.

Flower Mound, TX(Zone 7b)

An updated photo of our backyard taken earlier this month.

Thumbnail by shearpamela
Flower Mound, TX(Zone 7b)

The backyard view from the patio, also taken early May...

Thumbnail by shearpamela
Flower Mound, TX(Zone 7b)

Side view of the backyard.

Thumbnail by shearpamela
Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

Yep! I was right .. "Heaven on Earth" ....

Breath Taking View


Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

I'm with DixieChick!!! Wow, Shearpamela....lucky, lucky you!

Flower Mound, TX(Zone 7b)

Thank you - it does feel like paradise to me! I love being out there surrounded by nature, especially in the morning. I need to be out there now applying seaweed and fish emulsion :)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

It sure does look like heaven :-) Is that the blue mist shrub in front of the bird bath? Still haven't gotten mine.

Flower Mound, TX(Zone 7b)

I have "Dark Knight" caryopteris beside the birdbath/fountain near the house, and it is just now beginning to bloom. I had a a bug bothering it early in the Spring and that may have delayed it. It was shriveled up and looked like it was about to die, and someone at a nursery said it may be the four stripe bug....? Now it seems to be recovering. I also have purple coneflowers, indigo spires salvia, santa barbara mexican sage and gulf coast penstemmon around it.
The other birdbath has walkers low nepeta, winecup, & purple loosestrife around it.

crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

If ANYBODY wants to do sase PLEASE let me know. With my current situation of no job and no hopes for one, I'm desperate. But you certainly have your own little piese of serenity. You go girl!!


Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Tina - are you wanting to trade plants for SASE or are you looking for plants?? Confused.....

crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Langbr, I have nothing to trade at the moment but if you have any extras you would like to get rid of for SASE I'll take them.


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