Cherry Tomatoes

Hammonton, NJ(Zone 6b)

I would like some advice on Cherry Tomatoes.......the year before last we had some very nice ones. Think the variety was called "Salada", but can't remember where I purchased the seeds. They were sort of plum shaped (rather than round), had a delicious flavor. There were so many of them that I even used some to make tomato sauce (in combination with my beloved "San Marzano" plum tomatoes).

Has anyone come across this variety? Where can I get some of the seeds??

Also am open-minded about this. What variety do you plant? Which kind do you favor for making salads?

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

A Google search doesn't bring up any tomato variety called Salada and I haven't located it otherwise.

Salada is a term that's used to describe almost any small tomato variety used for salads, either round, or the plum shape you describe, and refers primarily to hybrid varieties.

You might wish to go to and look at the section of "Small Fruited Varieties" to see which of those many hybrids might serve your needs.

I grow mainly heirloom open pollinated (non-hybrid) cherry tomatoes and do have several faves, but since you liked what you had, which were clearly a small fruited hybrid salad type cherry variety, why don't you look at Tomato growers first and do look in some of the "other colored" sections for varieties such as Sun Gold, a hybrid cherry beloved by many.

Then , if you don't find what you want amongst the hybrids, I'd be glad to make some OP heirloom suggestions.

Hope that helps.


Montville, NJ

The only one that I know is Juliet

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Sweet 100 is my favorite...The tomato shape you are describing sounds more like a Grape tomato instead of the round cherry...


Hammonton, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks for all of the suggestions. I found this website:

Have ordered two or three kinds of cherry tomatoes from them. I even found one that fits the description of what I am looking for.

This message was edited Mar 15, 2004 12:18 PM

Escondido, CA(Zone 9a)

Wow, great link! I already have WAY too many tomatoes for this year, but next season, I'm so there! Thanks.

My favorite cherry tomato is the Camp Joy - great "big tomato" flavor. Black Plum and Tommy Toe are good, too. The hybrids I have tried have not impressed me - huge production, but kinda "meh" on taste.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

look in burpees catalogue. there is one cherry tomato listed as saladette

California, MD(Zone 7a)

Hooked up with Gardeners' Supply. Very high prices.

Try,, and

I found the grape tomatoes to be much tastier and sweeter than the cherries, unless you like yours a little tart.

Also agree with above, you probably had grapes if the shape you describe is any indication.

I'm trying Tiny Tims this year.

California, MD(Zone 7a)

TomatoFest: Hooked up with Gardeners' Supply. Very high prices on tools, etc.

Try and

I found the grape tomatoes to be much tastier and sweeter than the cherries, unless you like yours a little tart.

Also agree with above, you probably had grapes if the shape you describe is any indication.

I'm trying Tiny Tims this year.

This message was edited Mar 17, 2004 7:21 AM

Hammonton, NJ(Zone 6b)

Electric_Bob...Thanks for the webs. I enjoy browsing through, and if something sounds especially good, I order. As I stated, I have an open mind and like to try something new every year.

HERBIE43....THAT'S IT !!!!! Thank You ! :-)) Am going to order some.

Thank You ALL !! I like knowing what everyone else plants and enjoys using in the kitchen. I prefer to use a couple of varieties in the salad bowl. Have already strained my quota for small tomatoes....but then, there is always room for one more! I have ordered from a couple of seed companies. Just like TorreyH, I gott'a know when to quit for the season. There's always next year. Hedy.

California, MD(Zone 7a)


You're welcome... and don't forget, keep those seed cool and dry, in a closed Mason jar with a dry folded paper towel to keep the moisture away from them, and they will be good for a long time... some seed as long as 10 years or more.


Hammonton, NJ(Zone 6b)

Electric.... I shall heed your advice for saving seeds!!!

Although it is snowing like "mad" outside and tomorrow is the 1st day of Spring(????) going down into the cellar and start planting my seeds (and dreaming of those fresh tomatoes that they will yield)!


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)


Sorry this is late but I am not into saladette tomatoes and was just by chance cruising Burpees website for early tomatoes. Burpee offers a cultivar called "Ensalada" which matches your description of the "salada" tomato. It is a home garden type and may taste better because shelf life is the overiding concern for commercial cultivars. If your TGS cultivars don't meet your expectations, you may want to give Ensalada a try next year.

Hammonton, NJ(Zone 6b)

Farmerdill: Thank you, believe that is the tomato that I have been hunting for....they were a really good tasting tomato for salads. I forget so easily, and thought the tomato I had in mind was an "heirloom" but you are WAS Ensalada!

Thanks. :-)

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