HELP!!! Corner Lot Shade Garden

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)

Hi there everyone, I am Texas Jewel.
The hubby and I are renting a home here
in Kerrville, and I want to install some
"BLOOMING/flowering" bushes on the
corner lot.
It is a corner lot with TONS of trees for
ample shade. I am making Garden-Gals
to sit out on homemade branch benches
and chairs. So I want it to appear as if
there are Gals in my yard enjoying the
landscape. I am also OPEN to NEW ideas
on adding interesting things. The hubby
wont let me put a round bale of hay out
there with cowboy boots sticking out! LOL

And he SWEARS he'll go wild if I add any
garden decor like PINK FLAMINGOS! ROTFLOL

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

What are "Garden-Gals"???

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

TJ, yeah.........we wanna see the Garden about Caladiums and Balsams out there.....that'll work in Texas!! Lirope also does quite well, and the verigated is nice.


Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)

Hi ya'll!

Garden gals are made from a LOT of things. lol
Let me go get my directions list I made :).
It might make for a LONG post. Are you sure I
sould post it in this topic? It is an outdoor craft.

Let me know & I will reply with the things you
need & directions were you tell me to. I just
wrote it all out for my April newsletter, but will
share it here as well.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Post in Home and Crafts, TJ.


Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)

It is in "Home and Crafts"

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)

STILL NEED some NIFTY IDEAS to add things
to my landscape ya'll! Come on ... get Shade
Garden Crafty!

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I like those Frogs that lift their heads and spray water, but not really sure if those would work with the garden gals. I have yet to see a pic of those.

Princeton, IL(Zone 5a)

How deep is the shade?

LimeyLisa Kay

Franklin, LA(Zone 9a)

The first thing that comes to my mind is Azaleas, but that might be because they are all blooming so beautifully right now ... =)

Hostas are nice in the shade. And old reliable impatiens, for lots of color. My shady areas are wet, so I have elephant ears and calla lilies, and I'm planting salt marsh mallow, with hostas and caladiums in tubs.

I don't know if this helps you any ....


Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

There's always hydrangeas.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)

Okay girls, GET THIS!

We are MOVING AGAIN! That's right, no landscaping here
for now. HOWEVER I still would like some help. I want some
INDOOR ideas about planting & growing in shade (low-light).

I will be container gardening, as it is a condo unit and the
front yard is basically a "Pay Paradise Parking Lot" lol, the
back yard small. So, I need some IDEAS also for Seaside
Gardening in SHADE and in SUN! I will be making the Gals
for the CONDO's front area or back, depending upon where
the association will allow them. I am taking a cute little
wooden chair to put one in, I want to nake one that looks
like a seaside Garden Gal, with seashells glued on her hat
and stuff! I may be moving, but I "WILL" have my Garden

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Where ya movin' to, TJ???


Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)

Hi Eyes, :)
We are moving to Myrtle Beach South Carolina. The condo is
my hubby's aunt's and we will have to live in it for a little bit
before finding a LARGE home to bring our large pets to. I am
SO HAPPY about that.
We will be only one block from the ocean, aunt Rockie says I
can walk DAILY for excercise as I beach comb, one of my
earliest passions as a San Pedro, California born child.
My teen sons, Joey turning 18 on May 24th and John turning
16 on May 31st, both live in Hendersonville, S.C. Just a little
hop top momma's seaside home. I am SO THRILLED to see
them too, my exhubby took them from me when they were
only 1 and 3 years old. This is TRULY an ANSWER to long
prayed prayers Eyes.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Much luck and love to you TJ, sounds like it's been a long time coming!!


Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

How wonderful for you to see your 'babes' after all this time.
I am so happy for you.
Hugs, Shirley

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)

This is COOL, shady garden & MOTHER & CHILD REUNION.
I guess some of you recall that song. Now it will be in my
head ALL DAY as I pack. ha ha ha But what a LOVELY song.
Gotta get that one on CD.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Jewel, Email me =)

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Talk about a change in your gardening climate. Gonna change your name to reflect your surroundings>?

This message was edited May 8, 2004 10:52 PM

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)

It is so wonderful here at the beach, it is 59 drgrees right now, but yesterday it got up into the 70s. My geraniums and a few other container plants died out in the last few days of December, but most survived the frost to be brought in to live.

I have started 2 Bonsai from plants adandon here by the previous residents, and am having a BALL!

I am swapping seed and plants for Spring, and very ready to get to starting seed for my Spring gardening. I am even catching up on how to grow my herbs indoors here for medicinal and culinary use.

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

Hi Texasjewel
I also live on the grand strand in Surfside Beach.I live about 3 blocks from the beach and have alot of shade in my front garden because of many live oak trees.They also have shallow roots and attract many many rodents with bushy tails.Lots of problems but I really love them the trees that is.Plants don't grow as well because of the competition but some of them are making it.It's just trial and error.Hope to hear from you.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)

WOW we are REALLY neighbors, we will have to do some gardening together.
Hey maybe we can help one another this Spring! It is nice to have someone
who shares your passion for gardening, even someone just to talk to while you
plant seed or do your other gardening.

You will have to visit sometime so we can get to know one another, I can't drive
and my little Blazer is in a storage unit, but we could always walk the beach, or
we could get in the hot tub with some herbal tea and chat about life in general.
My hubby Dave likes to seashell hunt at low tide, but we have not been in days,
since it got rather cold here.

OH HEY did you hear? In some places they are actually calling for SNOW here!
I sure wish we'd get even just enough to take some photographs.

I LOVE it here, and have met so many wonderful people too, people here (the
locals) are so very friendly. Have you lived here long? We moved to Myrtle
Beach last April. Any gardening tips for this area I should know about that are
important for a local to know?

Have a great evening!

crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

TJ, your home sounds like my dream haven. I am infatuated with the beach. Any aspect of it. When I need to destress I meditate and put myself on white sand, blue water and palm trees!! Please keep me updated on your garden.


surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

Hi again
I would love to get together.Where do you live?We have been here for over 5 years but until this summer we spent 6 months (summer) in the NC.mountains and 6 months down here.I know alot about gardening up there in zone 6 but down here has been more of a challenge.Mostly I go to Brookgreen Gardens and see what is growing there and try it out.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)


I live off of 70th & King's Hwy/Bus 17.
We are actually right between Ocean Dr. and King's Hwy/Bus 17.

Dave bought me a hottub for my 37th birthday last year. We are
always getting in it, it SURE helps the aches & pains from his
working all day, and my garden knees & back. lol


Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)


Well you ought to see ALL the seed I am swapping, I think my piles are dwindeling as I swap. lol

HOWEVER I am rebulding those piles as I get in seed I can use here from fellow friends.

Not any gardening going on here outside, but I am tearing up a rug sowing seed and caring for
all my indoor plants. :)


surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

I live in the south strand in Surfside Bch.Are you at 70th Ave North? My daughter who is about your age lives in Forestbrook which is west of the waterway.Her husband is an avid gardener and they have a very big garden.I have a small green house and did alot of seed propagation in the past but was not able to this year because I traveled too much.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)

No I am not north honey.
Maybe this will help you see where I am.
Do you know where Jimmy Buffett's NEW resteraunt is called "Cheeseburger in Paradise"?
70th is almost right across the street from that.
You can ALSO see the Outback Stakehouse sign from our condo's bedroom window. lol
Just call me if you can't figure out where I am. Send me an email here on DG and I will give
you my cell phone number. To email me, click on my NAME in the top left of this post. Then
a page will pop up, and you choose to send an email to Texas Jewel.


Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

You two need to come to the GA Round-up. We're meeting April 23 near Jackson, Ga. Check out the Round-up forum for details and a sign-up thread.
downscale_babe, where did you live up here in the mountains? I'm in Transylvania County.
If I lived in Myrtle Beach, I'd have to have camillias...

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)


downscale_babe is at Surfside Beach, that is by the ocean not in mountaints. :)
She is in south strand, that is the south end of the Grand Strand here in Myrtle Beach.
I am a block away from the ocean in central Myrtle Beach, you can actually HEAR
the waves out my windows when the clouds are low or it is storming on the ocean.

I SURE WISH I COULD go to the GA Round-Up but...
I can't make it to GA I can't drive and don't have a license, I still
have a tumor in my sinus and so the doctor would not let me get
a new driver's license when mine expired. SO I will be hosting
parties here where I am for my friends, since I can't drive to other
states. I am real close to the ocean and all the nice resorts/hotels.


Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Tex, downscale said she HAD lived in the mtns. so I just wondered where. Maybe she will drive you to the round-up. Sorry about the tumor; I was hoping that was in the past and you will soon be able to drive.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)

No prob woodspirit... I didn't know that! WOW! I use to live in NC too ... Asheville, and Leicester, and um well Alexander, all in the moutains. I MISS all the GLORIOUS SNOW!!! My sons were born Tarheels in Asheville in 86 & 88, they are now 16 & 18 years old.


Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Oddly, we don't get as much snow here as Asheville. We're just a little more southwest.
I like Asheville a lot. My dad used to run the Battery Park hotel when my brother was born in 1939. Then the family moved to NYC where my sister and I were born. I try to keep a low profile on that in these parts, lol.

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

TexasJewel andwoodspirit
Until this year we spent 6 months in Watagua county.Our place is North west of Boone and about 30 minutes drive from Boone or mountain city Tenn.We are right on the NC. Tenn. border.The area is called beaver dam and is way back.Because of my husband's job we can't stay up there for the full 6 months (may too october) he travels alot and the nearest airport is 2.5 hours away.I really miss it and my garden there.We have a small beach house close to the beach and gardening is more of a challenge.The wonderful thing however is that my daughter and her family ( 1 grand daughter and 1 on the way).I do have camelias and they are wonderful.
TexasJewel I will send you an email

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)

I got your email sweetie!

Beaver Dam??? WOW I've been there! :) Isn't it a small world after all?

LOVE those MOUNTAINS & miss them with a PASSION too ya'll!

PRAY for Dave and I you two, a lady friend locally says she is getting custody
of her 2 nephews, and wants to give Dave & I full custody of the oldest little
boy who will be 3 this year. His name is James Dean, nas blonde hair & blue
eyes, and has a learning disability. We've been praying for 12 years for a child
now, I had a full hysterectomy in 1990-91 at age 24, and can't have babies now,
and Dave has never had children and thinks he is sterile. Poor little fella.
This just may be an ANSWER to our prayers! BUT PRAY that we will know
REALLY FAST, cause we want him SO BADLY and my friend is a Christian
and says the Lord lead her to ask me to take him.


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