how bad to you have the garden bug

fort erie, ON(Zone 6a)

I just started gardening last year and am hooked real bad it went from not wanting to even cut the grass at my parents house to moving in to my own house and loving gardens its real bad and I can see with all the plants and seedling I have its only going to get worse, i tell my wife it is better for me and cheaper than drinking!

Getting your own home - that'll do it. We all start for gardening for a variety of reasons, but it sure is addictive. I think most of us go through stages, and our interests change as our gardens develop, but the gardening bug never leaves.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

You start out with a lawn and a garden. Before you even know it the lawn starts shrinking. Pretty soon there is a patch of lawn that is too small to get out the lawnmower, you can use a weedeater, it's faster.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)


North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Congratulations, no better hobby or addiction! I have no lawn at all. Ornamental grasses are allowed. Enjoy--echoes is absolutely right--your own place makes it.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

You are absolutely right, Dawn..........who needs lawn???? The only reason we have grass is because a high percentage of my roses are climbers and ramblers on arbours! Although the lawn thing can be fast remedied!!!!!!! ha ha

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