This does not bode well!!

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

It is only March and look at the nasties on my Onions!! These are slated to be removed today and I am marching them, do not pass GO, to the trashcan.

If this is only the beginning of the season, I can hardly wait to see what kind of bug that I have never seen is going to show up this year. Oh joy!

Thumbnail by frogsrus
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Frogs, I can't positively identify them but feel you can spray them and get rid of the bugs and keep your onions. Looks like they just hatched out or something (the bugs, not the onions).

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

I am redoing that particular veggie bed so everything is going anyway. I sprayed the ground around where these were after I pulled the onions. All the lettuce etc had to come out so it is salad night tonight!! Yum!

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