someone is digging up my bulbs!

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

I had taken my oxalis corms out of several pots and last night something was digging in the ppots of dirt! I wouldn't think it would be a squirrel at night? A rat? Living on the water and on an island, there are palm rats all around. The pots were on a railing. Also I put out several cypress vine seedlings and something ate all but one! I don't think it is snails yet. I did see a grasshopper the other early evening and did him in...first grasshopper I've ever seen. What to do to keep these things away? I brushed my dog and put here hair in a baggie with holes in it and hung it close to this area. Won't do anything to bugs but I hear it will scare off squirrels and rats...any suggestions about grasshoppers?

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