Serious advice needed

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

As some of you may know I have serious problems with the GP I've seen from time to time. Very serious.
18 months or so ago (the summer of 2002) he changed some medication I was on. The change was too drastic - I reacted badly. I was ill for 4 months. That's why I didn't do my dissertation for uni then that I was supposed to be doing. And it's why I felt so ill trying to do my Java assignment. Java's difficult anyway. ALL the uni modules are difficult anyway. Not too surprisingly I failed that module - but I would probably have failed whatever I sat at that period because I just felt so ill.

I asked him for a sicknote for extension/mitigation. He told me that the practice had a special arrangement with the university - that the university contacted them for these notes and that the university paid the doctors for writing them. I offered to pay myself for the certificate but he said no, the university would pay for it.

So I went ahead with extension and mitigation. Got the extension but I just felt terrible. Put in for mitigation.

My application for mitigation was refused. And I was made to transfer onto a different course.

I've very very little faith in all these bureaucratic procedures and the people who do them. They just keep letting me down. Finally saw Phil Semp, the education officer earlier this week. It's too late now of course to put all of this right. Impossible. I was too traumatised at the time to put myself through the ordeal of doing a re-sit when I had wrongly been refused Mit Circs.

I told Phil Semp about this doctor. He knows him. Says "He's good for sport injuries but [deleted] at everything else". And he says he has never heard of this "Special arrangement" - he thinks I've been fobbed off.

I called in at the surgery this morning to hand in my prescription for eye-drops. I asked if they could check my file for me to see whether this letter had been written. No letter. I asked about this "special arrangement" - they've never heard of it. They thought it sounded very unlike him.

If this man has lied to me - and it's sounding like a possibility that he has - then there is no way I will countance a man in authority lying to me. I've asked for a copy of the complaints procedures.

I would like to have this man's intestines chopped into tiny pieces. Well, that won't happen.

I'd like to see him severely censured. This is the doctor whom I saw about my bladder problem - the one who said, "You're not wetting the bed are you? Well then, hold it in!"

I'd like to see him retired from practice. :)

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