How I've done it!!

Monroe, WI(Zone 4b)

When Spouse and I started this local Fitness Challenge, I didn't know it would be such a challenge. However, we had been threatening to find someone that could help us with our diet (or lack thereof), because we knew we were not eating correctly. Ok......signed up for the FC, found 2 people that could help us with the diet thing to get the most out of our exercising. We are following (loosely, I might add, more as guidelines) the "Body for Life" and "Eating for Life" by Bill Phillips. We are counting carbs and protein and calories. I was having alot of problems when we first started this, as my carb guideline was WAAAYYY too low at 110. I finally talked to someone through the BFL book (they have an 800 number), told her that I was probably a little more active than alot of people. We farm, and I've said that I probably put in more physical activity before 9 in the morning than most people do all day. She wanted to know if things were bothering more than usual, or maybe was I 'little more irritable'?? No kidding, I told her. I said I was ready to eat the packaging. She said 110 carbs was not nearly enough for me, I could go as high as 150. Some days I'm some over that, but try to at least keep it reasonably balanced with the protein. I was pretty much non-functional at the 110 gram level. Once I got that part of the diet straightened around, I began to feel alot better, not nearly as tired as I was before I started this plan, and perhaps have a little more energy. I try to keep the calories between 1600-1800. Another person I talked to at BFL told me 10 calories per pound of body weight, I told him that was NOT going to work, I needed more than 1250 calories to be able to just THINK about doing my day's work. We were told by the gal that is helping us locally that your diet is 80% of any fitness plan re: exercising and getting in shape. After losing 4 pounds the first 2 weeks, I can believe it. My husband has been exercising for 3 years and not had alot of progress to show from it. He has had more progress in building more muscle in the 7 weeks we have been on this program than in the 3 years before. So, yes, diet IS 80% of what you are trying to achieve. My exercise plan is weights 3 days a week and either tae bo or pilates the alternate 3. One day off. Diet plan strongly suggests 1 day a week as a cheat day for meals. We don't take a whole day, it balances out to a meal here and there during the week, if we eat out at fast food, we try to have grilled chicken, diet soda, no fries, and possibley a side salad. I take my own dressing. The weights I use for the "arm days" are dumbells. Leg day exercises are mostly on a Soloflex and Soloflex 'Rockit' machines, if any of you are familiar with them. When I started this program, one thing that was strongly in my favor was that I was not really "overweight", just ''out of shape", more than anything else. Lucky for me I don't carry fat on my hips, thighs, or butt, just that annoying truck tire below my navel, and some flab above. And, ladies, I was told that on women that excess below the navel is ALWAYS the last to go, but unless there is tons of skin from being really overweight, IT WILL GO, with proper exercise and diet. So, in 7 weeks, this is what I have lost in weight and measurements - starting on Jan. 14th and as of March 8th
weight 132 121
chest 38.25 34
waist 30.25 27.0
hips 37.75 36.5
bicep 12.25 11.5 (have lost fat, not muscle.)

I was told that 110 is the danger zone, I would have no body fat at that weight. I have no desire to even think of getting down that low, if I can keep it at 120 or so, that is great. My "real" goal when I started this was to be able to wear the size 2 Harley Davidson jeans (I was wearing a 4). Granted, those Harley jeans are cut larger than Lee or Wrangler, but it was an attainable goal for me. The first time I tried them on just to see if it was realistic (I mean, if my bones aren't a size 2, then it was a stupid goal) I had to jump up and down to get them zipped, and really suck in the gut. Showed spouse, he said, yup, but it sure ain't pretty! He was right. 3 weeks later I tried them on again at the store,did a half a knee bend like you need to do sometimes when you dried jeans in the dryer and they are tight, and zipped those babies right up. Still alittle overhang, but gettin' prettier each time I try them on. Yes, I bought them. I try them on twice a week! So, this is waaaayyyy more than you all probably wanted to know, but if I can answer any questions or give anyone any encouragement on this, please ask. This is a sensible eating plan that CAN be used "for Life", like the book says. We had pretty much given up baked goods and most sweets a year ago, so that was a help when we started this plan.

For the local Fitness Challenge we are required to have "Before" and "After" photos taken in a 2 piece swimsuit. I will post my photos after my 12 weeks are up.

This message was edited Mar 10, 2004 2:41 PM

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