Sedum morganianum??

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Is this Sedum morganianum? It doesn't have the pointed leaves like the S. moranianums in the Plants Database.

Thumbnail by Kelli
Northern California, CA

Hi Kelli -

This is just a guess, not a positive ID, but I think what you have might be Sedum burrito which has blunt leaf apices is glaucous gray and has wine/red flowers that don't open completely.

Valley Village, CA

You are so right. The reason you don't find the species, is because they don't ship well. If you touch them the wrong time of the year all the leaves will just fall off. Transplanting is near impossible. I was given this job to do, 100 was needed. They turned out a mess, and couldn't be used for ISI
S. moranianunus is a natural species. S. 'Burrito' is an hybrid, perhaps by Dick Wright, if my memory serves me correctly.

It was written up in an old CSSA journal. If you haven't joined the CSSA do so, it is very imformative. You get four journals a year and a chance to win a trip to Africa, like I did. Crasulady2

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the tip on the CSSA. Though I don't have time to go to the meetings, I'm sure I'll enjoy the magazine, the same as I do with the California Native Plant Society.

Valley Village, CA

Uou are welcome to come to the CSSA meeting, however these are just board meetings held all over the country about 3 x yearly. They will be at Huntington Gardens July 4th weekend, these meetings are boring and they just discuss national organization business, like conventions, changing the forlmat of the Journal, should the dues go up,
the up coming national show which is always held at the Huntington Gardens, with a sale connected. Vendors business, etc. you wouln't want to come to these meetings.
the Journal comes out every two months. and a news journal is included. It's $35.00 a year but that includes the postage.
It is not a profit organization, but they do support research programs, like DNA testing, about $10,000 a year. Crasulady2

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