I'm So Excited!

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

I visit my garden every day. Yesterday I had wonderful my daphnes in bloom, along with 4 colors of crocus, several different daffodils, camellias, and several hellebores. I'm here to tell ya I was a happy camper. Then today I went out again. In addition to all the above, what did I find? 4 trilliums in bud!! Three groupings of shooting stars!! (I've never ever had one come back.) Beautiful blue blooms on my 2 pulmonarias! And... the most delicate blooms on three of my foamflowers, which I've never had live, much less come back! Life is good...

Now that I've taken a breath, please add to this thread with what's coming to life in your garden. Add pictures if you can. I would love to see them all.

Stoneham, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh my! I'm so jealous ;-) Even our grass hasn't greened up yet -- Can't walk on it cause it's like a soppy sponge:( Well, the tulips out front in a full western sunny exposure did make me smile yesterday when I noticed that they are up a half an inch. SPRING ... WHERE ARE YOU? Here in MA we can still expect a major snow storm (Nor'Easter) even in April!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

That's thrilling pins :)
Here in my garden in the UK there are lots of daffodils and narcissi, species tulips, Daphne odora is scenting the air, Mahonia beelii has been flowering a long time and also has a beautiful scent, while the buds are just starting to burst on Mahonia aquifolium 'Apollo'. Daphne laureola is about to flower and D l 'philippi' has been out some time.
If I get time to walk around later I'll try to take some photos and perhaps have other flowers to add.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Oh, please do take some photos. I'd love to see them. Today I saw some bleeding hearts come up in flower already! Also, the first little bump of the Mayapple. This is so exciting. I'm in Atlanta and Spring is definitely the prettiest season here.

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